// // Error generator macro // use std::error::Error as StdError; macro_rules! make_error { ( $( $name:ident ( $ty:ty ): $src_fn:expr, $usr_msg_fun:expr ),+ $(,)? ) => { const BAD_REQUEST: u16 = 400; pub enum ErrorKind { $($name( $ty )),+ } pub struct Error { message: String, error: ErrorKind, error_code: u16 } $(impl From<$ty> for Error { fn from(err: $ty) -> Self { Error::from((stringify!($name), err)) } })+ $(impl> From<(S, $ty)> for Error { fn from(val: (S, $ty)) -> Self { Error { message: val.0.into(), error: ErrorKind::$name(val.1), error_code: BAD_REQUEST } } })+ impl StdError for Error { fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn StdError + 'static)> { match &self.error {$( ErrorKind::$name(e) => $src_fn(e), )+} } } impl std::fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { match &self.error {$( ErrorKind::$name(e) => f.write_str(&$usr_msg_fun(e, &self.message)), )+} } } }; } use diesel::r2d2::PoolError as R2d2Err; use diesel::result::Error as DieselErr; use diesel::ConnectionError as DieselConErr; use diesel_migrations::RunMigrationsError as DieselMigErr; use handlebars::RenderError as HbErr; use jsonwebtoken::errors::Error as JwtErr; use regex::Error as RegexErr; use reqwest::Error as ReqErr; use serde_json::{Error as SerdeErr, Value}; use std::io::Error as IoErr; use std::time::SystemTimeError as TimeErr; use u2f::u2ferror::U2fError as U2fErr; use yubico::yubicoerror::YubicoError as YubiErr; use lettre::address::AddressError as AddrErr; use lettre::error::Error as LettreErr; use lettre::message::mime::FromStrError as FromStrErr; use lettre::transport::smtp::Error as SmtpErr; #[derive(Serialize)] pub struct Empty {} // Error struct // Contains a String error message, meant for the user and an enum variant, with an error of different types. // // After the variant itself, there are two expressions. The first one indicates whether the error contains a source error (that we pretty print). // The second one contains the function used to obtain the response sent to the client make_error! { // Just an empty error EmptyError(Empty): _no_source, _serialize, // Used to represent err! calls SimpleError(String): _no_source, _api_error, // Used for special return values, like 2FA errors JsonError(Value): _no_source, _serialize, DbError(DieselErr): _has_source, _api_error, R2d2Error(R2d2Err): _has_source, _api_error, U2fError(U2fErr): _has_source, _api_error, SerdeError(SerdeErr): _has_source, _api_error, JWtError(JwtErr): _has_source, _api_error, TemplError(HbErr): _has_source, _api_error, //WsError(ws::Error): _has_source, _api_error, IoError(IoErr): _has_source, _api_error, TimeError(TimeErr): _has_source, _api_error, ReqError(ReqErr): _has_source, _api_error, RegexError(RegexErr): _has_source, _api_error, YubiError(YubiErr): _has_source, _api_error, LettreError(LettreErr): _has_source, _api_error, AddressError(AddrErr): _has_source, _api_error, SmtpError(SmtpErr): _has_source, _api_error, FromStrError(FromStrErr): _has_source, _api_error, DieselConError(DieselConErr): _has_source, _api_error, DieselMigError(DieselMigErr): _has_source, _api_error, } impl std::fmt::Debug for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { match self.source() { Some(e) => write!(f, "{}.\n[CAUSE] {:#?}", self.message, e), None => match self.error { ErrorKind::EmptyError(_) => Ok(()), ErrorKind::SimpleError(ref s) => { if &self.message == s { write!(f, "{}", self.message) } else { write!(f, "{}. {}", self.message, s) } } ErrorKind::JsonError(_) => write!(f, "{}", self.message), _ => unreachable!(), }, } } } impl Error { pub fn new, N: Into>(usr_msg: M, log_msg: N) -> Self { (usr_msg, log_msg.into()).into() } pub fn empty() -> Self { Empty {}.into() } pub fn with_msg>(mut self, msg: M) -> Self { self.message = msg.into(); self } pub const fn with_code(mut self, code: u16) -> Self { self.error_code = code; self } } pub trait MapResult { fn map_res(self, msg: &str) -> Result; } impl> MapResult for Result { fn map_res(self, msg: &str) -> Result { self.map_err(|e| e.into().with_msg(msg)) } } impl> MapResult<()> for Result { fn map_res(self, msg: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { self.and(Ok(())).map_res(msg) } } impl MapResult for Option { fn map_res(self, msg: &str) -> Result { self.ok_or_else(|| Error::new(msg, "")) } } #[allow(clippy::unnecessary_wraps)] const fn _has_source(e: T) -> Option { Some(e) } fn _no_source(_: T) -> Option { None } fn _serialize(e: &impl serde::Serialize, _msg: &str) -> String { serde_json::to_string(e).unwrap() } fn _api_error(_: &impl std::any::Any, msg: &str) -> String { let json = json!({ "Message": "", "error": "", "error_description": "", "ValidationErrors": {"": [ msg ]}, "ErrorModel": { "Message": msg, "Object": "error" }, "Object": "error" }); _serialize(&json, "") } // // Rocket responder impl // use std::io::Cursor; use rocket::http::{ContentType, Status}; use rocket::request::Request; use rocket::response::{self, Responder, Response}; impl<'r> Responder<'r> for Error { fn respond_to(self, _: &Request) -> response::Result<'r> { match self.error { ErrorKind::EmptyError(_) => {} // Don't print the error in this situation ErrorKind::SimpleError(_) => {} // Don't print the error in this situation _ => error!(target: "error", "{:#?}", self), }; let code = Status::from_code(self.error_code).unwrap_or(Status::BadRequest); Response::build() .status(code) .header(ContentType::JSON) .sized_body(Cursor::new(format!("{}", self))) .ok() } } // // Error return macros // #[macro_export] macro_rules! err { ($msg:expr) => {{ error!("{}", $msg); return Err(crate::error::Error::new($msg, $msg)); }}; ($usr_msg:expr, $log_value:expr) => {{ error!("{}. {}", $usr_msg, $log_value); return Err(crate::error::Error::new($usr_msg, $log_value)); }}; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! err_code { ($msg:expr, $err_code: literal) => {{ error!("{}", $msg); return Err(crate::error::Error::new($msg, $msg).with_code($err_code)); }}; ($usr_msg:expr, $log_value:expr, $err_code: literal) => {{ error!("{}. {}", $usr_msg, $log_value); return Err(crate::error::Error::new($usr_msg, $log_value).with_code($err_code)); }}; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! err_discard { ($msg:expr, $data:expr) => {{ std::io::copy(&mut $data.open(), &mut std::io::sink()).ok(); return Err(crate::error::Error::new($msg, $msg)); }}; ($usr_msg:expr, $log_value:expr, $data:expr) => {{ std::io::copy(&mut $data.open(), &mut std::io::sink()).ok(); return Err(crate::error::Error::new($usr_msg, $log_value)); }}; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! err_json { ($expr:expr, $log_value:expr) => {{ return Err(($log_value, $expr).into()); }}; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! err_handler { ($expr:expr) => {{ error!(target: "auth", "Unauthorized Error: {}", $expr); return ::rocket::request::Outcome::Failure((rocket::http::Status::Unauthorized, $expr)); }}; ($usr_msg:expr, $log_value:expr) => {{ error!(target: "auth", "Unauthorized Error: {}. {}", $usr_msg, $log_value); return ::rocket::request::Outcome::Failure((rocket::http::Status::Unauthorized, $usr_msg)); }}; }