Premiumget started today!

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Sign up for a premium membership and get:

  • 1 GB of encrypted file storage.
  • Additional two-step login options such as YubiKey, FIDO U2F, and Duo.
  • TOTP verification code (2FA) generator for logins in your vault.
  • Priority customer support.
  • All future premium features. More coming soon!
all for just
{{premiumPrice | currency:"$":0}} /year


To upgrade your account to a premium membership you need to upload a valid license file.

Your license file will be named something like bitwarden_premium_license.json


Your plan comes with 1 GB of encrypted file storage. You can add additional storage for {{storageGbPrice | currency:"$":0}} per GB /year.

Billing Summary

Premium membership: {{premiumPrice | currency:"$"}}
Additional storage: {{model.additionalStorageGb || 0}} GB × {{storageGbPrice | currency:"$"}} = {{(model.additionalStorageGb || 0) * storageGbPrice | currency:"$"}}

Payment Information