use reqwest::header::{ACCEPT, AUTHORIZATION, CONTENT_TYPE}; use serde_json::Value; use tokio::sync::RwLock; use crate::{ api::{ApiResult, EmptyResult, UpdateType}, db::models::{Cipher, Device, Folder, Send, User}, util::get_reqwest_client, CONFIG, }; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; #[derive(Deserialize)] struct AuthPushToken { access_token: String, expires_in: i32, } #[derive(Debug)] struct LocalAuthPushToken { access_token: String, valid_until: Instant, } async fn get_auth_push_token() -> ApiResult<String> { static PUSH_TOKEN: Lazy<RwLock<LocalAuthPushToken>> = Lazy::new(|| { RwLock::new(LocalAuthPushToken { access_token: String::new(), valid_until: Instant::now(), }) }); let push_token =; if push_token.valid_until.saturating_duration_since(Instant::now()).as_secs() > 0 { debug!("Auth Push token still valid, no need for a new one"); return Ok(push_token.access_token.clone()); } drop(push_token); // Drop the read lock now let installation_id = CONFIG.push_installation_id(); let client_id = format!("installation.{installation_id}"); let client_secret = CONFIG.push_installation_key(); let params = [ ("grant_type", "client_credentials"), ("scope", "api.push"), ("client_id", &client_id), ("client_secret", &client_secret), ]; let res = match get_reqwest_client().post("").form(¶ms).send().await { Ok(r) => r, Err(e) => err!(format!("Error getting push token from bitwarden server: {e}")), }; let json_pushtoken = match res.json::<AuthPushToken>().await { Ok(r) => r, Err(e) => err!(format!("Unexpected push token received from bitwarden server: {e}")), }; let mut push_token = PUSH_TOKEN.write().await; push_token.valid_until = Instant::now() .checked_add(Duration::new((json_pushtoken.expires_in / 2) as u64, 0)) // Token valid for half the specified time .unwrap(); push_token.access_token = json_pushtoken.access_token; debug!("Token still valid for {}", push_token.valid_until.saturating_duration_since(Instant::now()).as_secs()); Ok(push_token.access_token.clone()) } pub async fn register_push_device(user_uuid: String, device: Device) -> EmptyResult { if !CONFIG.push_enabled() { return Ok(()); } let auth_push_token = get_auth_push_token().await?; //Needed to register a device for push to bitwarden : let data = json!({ "userId": user_uuid, "deviceId": device.push_uuid, "identifier": device.uuid, "type": device.atype, "pushToken": device.push_token }); let auth_header = format!("Bearer {}", &auth_push_token); get_reqwest_client() .post(CONFIG.push_relay_uri() + "/push/register") .header(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json") .header(ACCEPT, "application/json") .header(AUTHORIZATION, auth_header) .json(&data) .send() .await? .error_for_status()?; Ok(()) } pub async fn unregister_push_device(uuid: String) -> EmptyResult { if !CONFIG.push_enabled() { return Ok(()); } let auth_push_token = get_auth_push_token().await?; let auth_header = format!("Bearer {}", &auth_push_token); match get_reqwest_client() .delete(CONFIG.push_relay_uri() + "/push/" + &uuid) .header(AUTHORIZATION, auth_header) .send() .await { Ok(r) => r, Err(e) => err!(format!("An error occured during device unregistration: {e}")), }; Ok(()) } pub async fn push_cipher_update( ut: UpdateType, cipher: &Cipher, acting_device_uuid: &String, conn: &mut crate::db::DbConn, ) { // We shouldn't send a push notification on cipher update if the cipher belongs to an organization, this isn't implemented in the upstream server too. if cipher.organization_uuid.is_some() { return; }; let user_uuid = match &cipher.user_uuid { Some(c) => c, None => { debug!("Cipher has no uuid"); return; } }; if Device::check_user_has_push_device(user_uuid, conn).await { send_to_push_relay(json!({ "userId": user_uuid, "organizationId": (), "deviceId": acting_device_uuid, "identifier": acting_device_uuid, "type": ut as i32, "payload": { "id": cipher.uuid, "userId": cipher.user_uuid, "organizationId": (), "revisionDate": cipher.updated_at } })) .await; } } pub fn push_logout(user: &User, acting_device_uuid: Option<String>) { let acting_device_uuid: Value =|v| v.into()).unwrap_or_else(|| Value::Null); tokio::task::spawn(send_to_push_relay(json!({ "userId": user.uuid, "organizationId": (), "deviceId": acting_device_uuid, "identifier": acting_device_uuid, "type": UpdateType::LogOut as i32, "payload": { "userId": user.uuid, "date": user.updated_at } }))); } pub fn push_user_update(ut: UpdateType, user: &User) { tokio::task::spawn(send_to_push_relay(json!({ "userId": user.uuid, "organizationId": (), "deviceId": (), "identifier": (), "type": ut as i32, "payload": { "userId": user.uuid, "date": user.updated_at } }))); } pub async fn push_folder_update( ut: UpdateType, folder: &Folder, acting_device_uuid: &String, conn: &mut crate::db::DbConn, ) { if Device::check_user_has_push_device(&folder.user_uuid, conn).await { tokio::task::spawn(send_to_push_relay(json!({ "userId": folder.user_uuid, "organizationId": (), "deviceId": acting_device_uuid, "identifier": acting_device_uuid, "type": ut as i32, "payload": { "id": folder.uuid, "userId": folder.user_uuid, "revisionDate": folder.updated_at } }))); } } pub async fn push_send_update(ut: UpdateType, send: &Send, acting_device_uuid: &String, conn: &mut crate::db::DbConn) { if let Some(s) = &send.user_uuid { if Device::check_user_has_push_device(s, conn).await { tokio::task::spawn(send_to_push_relay(json!({ "userId": send.user_uuid, "organizationId": (), "deviceId": acting_device_uuid, "identifier": acting_device_uuid, "type": ut as i32, "payload": { "id": send.uuid, "userId": send.user_uuid, "revisionDate": send.revision_date } }))); } } } async fn send_to_push_relay(notification_data: Value) { if !CONFIG.push_enabled() { return; } let auth_push_token = match get_auth_push_token().await { Ok(s) => s, Err(e) => { debug!("Could not get the auth push token: {}", e); return; } }; let auth_header = format!("Bearer {}", &auth_push_token); if let Err(e) = get_reqwest_client() .post(CONFIG.push_relay_uri() + "/push/send") .header(ACCEPT, "application/json") .header(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json") .header(AUTHORIZATION, &auth_header) .json(¬ification_data) .send() .await { error!("An error occured while sending a send update to the push relay: {}", e); }; } pub async fn push_auth_request(user_uuid: String, auth_request_uuid: String, conn: &mut crate::db::DbConn) { if Device::check_user_has_push_device(user_uuid.as_str(), conn).await { tokio::task::spawn(send_to_push_relay(json!({ "userId": user_uuid, "organizationId": (), "deviceId": null, "identifier": null, "type": UpdateType::AuthRequest as i32, "payload": { "id": auth_request_uuid, "userId": user_uuid, } }))); } } pub async fn push_auth_response( user_uuid: String, auth_request_uuid: String, approving_device_uuid: String, conn: &mut crate::db::DbConn, ) { if Device::check_user_has_push_device(user_uuid.as_str(), conn).await { tokio::task::spawn(send_to_push_relay(json!({ "userId": user_uuid, "organizationId": (), "deviceId": approving_device_uuid, "identifier": approving_device_uuid, "type": UpdateType::AuthRequestResponse as i32, "payload": { "id": auth_request_uuid, "userId": user_uuid, } }))); } }