import { test, expect, type TestInfo } from '@playwright/test'; import { createAccount, logUser } from './setups/user'; import * as utils from "../global-utils"; let users = utils.loadEnv(); test.beforeAll('Setup', async ({ browser }, testInfo: TestInfo) => { await utils.startVaultwarden(browser, testInfo, { SSO_ENABLED: true, SSO_ONLY: false }); }); test.afterAll('Teardown', async ({}, testInfo: TestInfo) => { utils.stopVaultwarden(testInfo); }); test('Account creation using SSO', async ({ page }) => { // Landing page await createAccount(test, page, users.user1); }); test('SSO login', async ({ page }) => { await logUser(test, page, users.user1); }); test('Non SSO login', async ({ page }) => { // Landing page await page.goto('/'); await page.getByLabel(/Email address/).fill(; await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Continue' }).click(); // Unlock page await page.getByLabel('Master password').fill(users.user1.password); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Log in with master password' }).click(); // We are now in the default vault page await expect(page).toHaveTitle(/Vaults/); }); test('Non SSO login Failure', async ({ page, browser }, testInfo: TestInfo) => { await utils.restartVaultwarden(page, testInfo, { SSO_ENABLED: true, SSO_ONLY: true }, false); // Landing page await page.goto('/'); await page.getByLabel(/Email address/).fill(; await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Continue' }).click(); // Unlock page await page.getByLabel('Master password').fill(users.user1.password); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Log in with master password' }).click(); // An error should appear await page.getByLabel('SSO sign-in is required') }); test('No SSO login', async ({ page }, testInfo: TestInfo) => { await utils.restartVaultwarden(page, testInfo, { SSO_ENABLED: false }, false); // Landing page await page.goto('/'); await page.getByLabel(/Email address/).fill(; await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Continue' }).click(); // No SSO button await page.getByLabel('Master password'); await expect(page.getByRole('link', { name: /Enterprise single sign-on/ })).toHaveCount(0); });