### This is a Bitwarden server API implementation written in Rust compatible with [upstream Bitwarden clients](https://bitwarden.com/#download)*, perfect for self-hosted deployment where running the official resource-heavy service might not be ideal. --- [![Travis Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs) [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/bitwardenrs/server.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/r/bitwardenrs/server) [![Dependency Status](https://deps.rs/repo/github/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs/status.svg)](https://deps.rs/repo/github/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs) [![GitHub Release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs.svg)](https://github.com/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs/releases/latest) [![GPL-3.0 Licensed](https://img.shields.io/github/license/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs.svg)](https://github.com/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs/blob/master/LICENSE.txt) [![Matrix Chat](https://img.shields.io/matrix/bitwarden_rs:matrix.org.svg?logo=matrix)](https://matrix.to/#/#bitwarden_rs:matrix.org) Image is based on [Rust implementation of Bitwarden API](https://github.com/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs). **This project is not associated with the [Bitwarden](https://bitwarden.com/) project nor 8bit Solutions LLC.** #### ⚠️**IMPORTANT**⚠️: When using this server, please report any Bitwarden related bug-reports or suggestions [here](https://github.com/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs/issues/new), regardless of whatever clients you are using (mobile, desktop, browser...). DO NOT use the official support channels. --- ## Features Basically full implementation of Bitwarden API is provided including: * Basic single user functionality * Organizations support * Attachments * Vault API support * Serving the static files for Vault interface * Website icons API * Authenticator and U2F support * YubiKey OTP ## Installation Pull the docker image and mount a volume from the host for persistent storage: ```sh docker pull bitwardenrs/server:latest docker run -d --name bitwarden -v /bw-data/:/data/ -p 80:80 bitwardenrs/server:latest ``` This will preserve any persistent data under /bw-data/, you can adapt the path to whatever suits you. **IMPORTANT**: Some web browsers, like Chrome, disallow the use of Web Crypto APIs in insecure contexts. In this case, you might get an error like `Cannot read property 'importKey'`. To solve this problem, you need to access the web vault from HTTPS. This can be configured in [bitwarden_rs directly](https://github.com/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs/wiki/Enabling-HTTPS) or using a third-party reverse proxy ([some examples](https://github.com/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs/wiki/Proxy-examples)). If you have an available domain name, you can get HTTPS certificates with [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/), or you can generate self-signed certificates with utilities like [mkcert](https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert). Some proxies automatically do this step, like Caddy (see examples linked above). ### Kubernetes installation To run this in Kubernetes head over to [cdwv/bitwarden-k8s](https://github.com/cdwv/bitwarden-k8s). ## Usage See the [bitwarden_rs wiki](https://github.com/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs/wiki) for more information on how to configure and run the bitwarden_rs server. ## Get in touch To ask a question, [raising an issue](https://github.com/dani-garcia/bitwarden_rs/issues/new) is fine. Please also report any bugs spotted here. If you prefer to chat, we're usually hanging around at [#bitwarden_rs:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#bitwarden_rs:matrix.org) room on Matrix. Feel free to join us! ### Sponsors Thanks for your contribution to the project! - [@Skaronator](https://github.com/Skaronator)