use chrono::Utc; use jsonwebtoken::DecodingKey; use num_traits::FromPrimitive; use rocket::serde::json::Json; use rocket::{ form::{Form, FromForm}, http::CookieJar, Route, }; use serde_json::Value; use crate::{ api::{ core::{ accounts::{PreloginData, RegisterData, _prelogin, _register}, log_user_event, two_factor::{authenticator, duo, duo_oidc, email, enforce_2fa_policy, webauthn, yubikey}, }, push::register_push_device, ApiResult, EmptyResult, JsonResult, }, auth::{encode_jwt, generate_organization_api_key_login_claims, generate_ssotoken_claims, ClientHeaders, ClientIp}, db::{models::*, DbConn}, error::MapResult, mail, util, util::{CookieManager, CustomRedirect}, CONFIG, }; pub fn routes() -> Vec { routes![login, prelogin, identity_register, prevalidate, authorize, oidcsignin] } #[post("/connect/token", data = "")] async fn login(data: Form, client_header: ClientHeaders, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult { let data: ConnectData = data.into_inner(); let mut user_uuid: Option = None; let login_result = match data.grant_type.as_ref() { "refresh_token" => { _check_is_some(&data.refresh_token, "refresh_token cannot be blank")?; _refresh_login(data, &mut conn).await } "password" => { _check_is_some(&data.client_id, "client_id cannot be blank")?; _check_is_some(&data.password, "password cannot be blank")?; _check_is_some(&data.scope, "scope cannot be blank")?; _check_is_some(&data.username, "username cannot be blank")?; _check_is_some(&data.device_identifier, "device_identifier cannot be blank")?; _check_is_some(&data.device_name, "device_name cannot be blank")?; _check_is_some(&data.device_type, "device_type cannot be blank")?; _password_login(data, &mut user_uuid, &mut conn, &client_header.ip).await } "client_credentials" => { _check_is_some(&data.client_id, "client_id cannot be blank")?; _check_is_some(&data.client_secret, "client_secret cannot be blank")?; _check_is_some(&data.scope, "scope cannot be blank")?; _check_is_some(&data.device_identifier, "device_identifier cannot be blank")?; _check_is_some(&data.device_name, "device_name cannot be blank")?; _check_is_some(&data.device_type, "device_type cannot be blank")?; _api_key_login(data, &mut user_uuid, &mut conn, &client_header.ip).await } "authorization_code" => { _check_is_some(&data.client_id, "client_id cannot be blank")?; _check_is_some(&data.code, "code cannot be blank")?; _check_is_some(&data.device_identifier, "device_identifier cannot be blank")?; _check_is_some(&data.device_name, "device_name cannot be blank")?; _check_is_some(&data.device_type, "device_type cannot be blank")?; _authorization_login(data, &mut user_uuid, &mut conn, &client_header.ip).await } t => err!("Invalid type", t), }; if let Some(user_uuid) = user_uuid { match &login_result { Ok(_) => { log_user_event( EventType::UserLoggedIn as i32, &user_uuid, client_header.device_type, &client_header.ip.ip, &mut conn, ) .await; } Err(e) => { if let Some(ev) = e.get_event() { log_user_event( ev.event as i32, &user_uuid, client_header.device_type, &client_header.ip.ip, &mut conn, ) .await } } } } login_result } async fn _refresh_login(data: ConnectData, conn: &mut DbConn) -> JsonResult { // Extract token let token = data.refresh_token.unwrap(); // Get device by refresh token let mut device = Device::find_by_refresh_token(&token, conn).await.map_res("Invalid refresh token")?; let scope = "api offline_access"; let scope_vec = vec!["api".into(), "offline_access".into()]; // Common let user = User::find_by_uuid(&device.user_uuid, conn).await.unwrap(); // --- // Disabled this variable, it was used to generate the JWT // Because this might get used in the future, and is add by the Bitwarden Server, lets keep it, but then commented out // See: // --- // let orgs = UserOrganization::find_confirmed_by_user(&user.uuid, conn).await; let (access_token, expires_in) = device.refresh_tokens(&user, scope_vec);; let result = json!({ "access_token": access_token, "expires_in": expires_in, "token_type": "Bearer", "refresh_token": device.refresh_token, "scope": scope, }); Ok(Json(result)) } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct TokenPayload { exp: i64, email: Option, nonce: String, } async fn _authorization_login( data: ConnectData, user_uuid: &mut Option, conn: &mut DbConn, ip: &ClientIp, ) -> JsonResult { let scope = match data.scope.as_ref() { None => err!("Got no scope in OIDC data"), Some(scope) => scope, }; if scope != "api offline_access" { err!("Scope not supported") } let scope_vec = vec!["api".into(), "offline_access".into()]; let code = match data.code.as_ref() { None => err!("Got no code in OIDC data"), Some(code) => code, }; let (refresh_token, id_token, user_info) = match get_auth_code_access_token(code).await { Ok((refresh_token, id_token, user_info)) => (refresh_token, id_token, user_info), Err(_err) => err!("Could not retrieve access token"), }; let mut validation = jsonwebtoken::Validation::default(); validation.insecure_disable_signature_validation(); let token = match jsonwebtoken::decode::(id_token.as_str(), &DecodingKey::from_secret(&[]), &validation) { Err(_err) => err!("Could not decode id token"), Ok(payload) =>, }; // let expiry = token.exp; let nonce = token.nonce; let mut new_user = false; match SsoNonce::find(&nonce, conn).await { Some(sso_nonce) => { match sso_nonce.delete(conn).await { Ok(_) => { let user_email = match { Some(email) => email, None => match { None => err!("Neither id token nor userinfo contained an email"), Some(email) => email.to_owned().to_string(), }, }; let now = Utc::now().naive_utc(); let mut user = match User::find_by_mail(&user_email, conn).await { Some(user) => user, None => { new_user = true; User::new(user_email.clone()) } }; if new_user { user.verified_at = Some(Utc::now().naive_utc());; } // Set the user_uuid here to be passed back used for event logging. *user_uuid = Some(user.uuid.clone()); let (mut device, new_device) = get_device(&data, conn, &user).await; let twofactor_token = twofactor_auth(&user, &data, &mut device, ip, true, conn).await?; if CONFIG.mail_enabled() && new_device { if let Err(e) = mail::send_new_device_logged_in(&, &ip.ip.to_string(), &now, & { error!("Error sending new device email: {:#?}", e); if CONFIG.require_device_email() { err!("Could not send login notification email. Please contact your administrator.") } } } if CONFIG.sso_acceptall_invites() { for user_org in UserOrganization::find_invited_by_user(&user.uuid, conn).await.iter_mut() { user_org.status = UserOrgStatus::Accepted as i32;; } } device.refresh_token = refresh_token.clone();; let (access_token, expires_in) = device.refresh_tokens(&user, scope_vec);; let mut result = json!({ "access_token": access_token, "token_type": "Bearer", "refresh_token": device.refresh_token, "expires_in": expires_in, "Key": user.akey, "PrivateKey": user.private_key, "Kdf": user.client_kdf_type, "KdfIterations": user.client_kdf_iter, "KdfMemory": user.client_kdf_memory, "KdfParallelism": user.client_kdf_parallelism, "ResetMasterPassword": user.password_hash.is_empty(), "scope": scope, "unofficialServer": true, }); if let Some(token) = twofactor_token { result["TwoFactorToken"] = Value::String(token); } info!("User {} logged in successfully. IP: {}",, ip.ip); Ok(Json(result)) } Err(_) => err!("Failed to delete nonce"), } } None => { err!("Invalid nonce") } } } #[derive(Default, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct MasterPasswordPolicy { min_complexity: u8, min_length: u32, require_lower: bool, require_upper: bool, require_numbers: bool, require_special: bool, enforce_on_login: bool, } async fn _password_login( data: ConnectData, user_uuid: &mut Option, conn: &mut DbConn, ip: &ClientIp, ) -> JsonResult { // Validate scope let scope = data.scope.as_ref().unwrap(); if scope != "api offline_access" { err!("Scope not supported") } let scope_vec = vec!["api".into(), "offline_access".into()]; // Ratelimit the login crate::ratelimit::check_limit_login(&ip.ip)?; if CONFIG.sso_enabled() && CONFIG.sso_only() { err!("SSO sign-in is required"); } // Get the user let username = data.username.as_ref().unwrap().trim(); let Some(mut user) = User::find_by_mail(username, conn).await else { err!("Username or password is incorrect. Try again", format!("IP: {}. Username: {}.", ip.ip, username)) }; // Set the user_uuid here to be passed back used for event logging. *user_uuid = Some(user.uuid.clone()); // Check if the user is disabled if !user.enabled { err!( "This user has been disabled", format!("IP: {}. Username: {}.", ip.ip, username), ErrorEvent { event: EventType::UserFailedLogIn } ) } let password = data.password.as_ref().unwrap(); // If we get an auth request, we don't check the user's password, but the access code of the auth request if let Some(ref auth_request_uuid) = data.auth_request { let Some(auth_request) = AuthRequest::find_by_uuid_and_user(auth_request_uuid.as_str(), &user.uuid, conn).await else { err!( "Auth request not found. Try again.", format!("IP: {}. Username: {}.", ip.ip, username), ErrorEvent { event: EventType::UserFailedLogIn, } ) }; let expiration_time = auth_request.creation_date + chrono::Duration::minutes(5); let request_expired = Utc::now().naive_utc() >= expiration_time; if auth_request.user_uuid != user.uuid || !auth_request.approved.unwrap_or(false) || request_expired || ip.ip.to_string() != auth_request.request_ip || !auth_request.check_access_code(password) { err!( "Username or access code is incorrect. Try again", format!("IP: {}. Username: {}.", ip.ip, username), ErrorEvent { event: EventType::UserFailedLogIn, } ) } } else if !user.check_valid_password(password) { err!( "Username or password is incorrect. Try again", format!("IP: {}. Username: {}.", ip.ip, username), ErrorEvent { event: EventType::UserFailedLogIn, } ) } // Change the KDF Iterations (only when not logging in with an auth request) if data.auth_request.is_none() && user.password_iterations != CONFIG.password_iterations() { user.password_iterations = CONFIG.password_iterations(); user.set_password(password, None, false, None); if let Err(e) = { error!("Error updating user: {:#?}", e); } } let now = Utc::now().naive_utc(); if user.verified_at.is_none() && CONFIG.mail_enabled() && CONFIG.signups_verify() { if user.last_verifying_at.is_none() || now.signed_duration_since(user.last_verifying_at.unwrap()).num_seconds() > CONFIG.signups_verify_resend_time() as i64 { let resend_limit = CONFIG.signups_verify_resend_limit() as i32; if resend_limit == 0 || user.login_verify_count < resend_limit { // We want to send another email verification if we require signups to verify // their email address, and we haven't sent them a reminder in a while... user.last_verifying_at = Some(now); user.login_verify_count += 1; if let Err(e) = { error!("Error updating user: {:#?}", e); } if let Err(e) = mail::send_verify_email(&, &user.uuid).await { error!("Error auto-sending email verification email: {:#?}", e); } } } // We still want the login to fail until they actually verified the email address err!( "Please verify your email before trying again.", format!("IP: {}. Username: {}.", ip.ip, username), ErrorEvent { event: EventType::UserFailedLogIn } ) } let (mut device, new_device) = get_device(&data, conn, &user).await; let twofactor_token = twofactor_auth(&user, &data, &mut device, ip, false, conn).await?; if CONFIG.mail_enabled() && new_device { if let Err(e) = mail::send_new_device_logged_in(&, &ip.ip.to_string(), &now, &device).await { error!("Error sending new device email: {:#?}", e); if CONFIG.require_device_email() { err!( "Could not send login notification email. Please contact your administrator.", ErrorEvent { event: EventType::UserFailedLogIn } ) } } } // register push device if !new_device { register_push_device(&mut device, conn).await?; } // Common // --- // Disabled this variable, it was used to generate the JWT // Because this might get used in the future, and is add by the Bitwarden Server, lets keep it, but then commented out // See: // --- // let orgs = UserOrganization::find_confirmed_by_user(&user.uuid, conn).await; let (access_token, expires_in) = device.refresh_tokens(&user, scope_vec);; // Fetch all valid Master Password Policies and merge them into one with all true's and larges numbers as one policy let master_password_policies: Vec = OrgPolicy::find_accepted_and_confirmed_by_user_and_active_policy( &user.uuid, OrgPolicyType::MasterPassword, conn, ) .await .into_iter() .filter_map(|p| serde_json::from_str(& .collect(); let master_password_policy = if !master_password_policies.is_empty() { let mut mpp_json = json!(master_password_policies.into_iter().reduce(|acc, policy| { MasterPasswordPolicy { min_complexity: acc.min_complexity.max(policy.min_complexity), min_length: acc.min_length.max(policy.min_length), require_lower: acc.require_lower || policy.require_lower, require_upper: acc.require_upper || policy.require_upper, require_numbers: acc.require_numbers || policy.require_numbers, require_special: acc.require_special || policy.require_special, enforce_on_login: acc.enforce_on_login || policy.enforce_on_login, } })); mpp_json["object"] = json!("masterPasswordPolicy"); mpp_json } else { json!({"object": "masterPasswordPolicy"}) }; let mut result = json!({ "access_token": access_token, "expires_in": expires_in, "token_type": "Bearer", "refresh_token": device.refresh_token, "Key": user.akey, "PrivateKey": user.private_key, //"TwoFactorToken": "11122233333444555666777888999" "Kdf": user.client_kdf_type, "KdfIterations": user.client_kdf_iter, "KdfMemory": user.client_kdf_memory, "KdfParallelism": user.client_kdf_parallelism, "ResetMasterPassword": false, // TODO: Same as above "ForcePasswordReset": false, "MasterPasswordPolicy": master_password_policy, "scope": scope, "UserDecryptionOptions": { "HasMasterPassword": !user.password_hash.is_empty(), "Object": "userDecryptionOptions" }, }); if let Some(token) = twofactor_token { result["TwoFactorToken"] = Value::String(token); } info!("User {} logged in successfully. IP: {}", username, ip.ip); Ok(Json(result)) } async fn _api_key_login( data: ConnectData, user_uuid: &mut Option, conn: &mut DbConn, ip: &ClientIp, ) -> JsonResult { // Ratelimit the login crate::ratelimit::check_limit_login(&ip.ip)?; // Validate scope match data.scope.as_ref().unwrap().as_ref() { "api" => _user_api_key_login(data, user_uuid, conn, ip).await, "api.organization" => _organization_api_key_login(data, conn, ip).await, _ => err!("Scope not supported"), } } async fn _user_api_key_login( data: ConnectData, user_uuid: &mut Option, conn: &mut DbConn, ip: &ClientIp, ) -> JsonResult { // Get the user via the client_id let client_id = data.client_id.as_ref().unwrap(); let Some(client_user_uuid) = client_id.strip_prefix("user.") else { err!("Malformed client_id", format!("IP: {}.", ip.ip)) }; let Some(user) = User::find_by_uuid(client_user_uuid, conn).await else { err!("Invalid client_id", format!("IP: {}.", ip.ip)) }; // Set the user_uuid here to be passed back used for event logging. *user_uuid = Some(user.uuid.clone()); // Check if the user is disabled if !user.enabled { err!( "This user has been disabled (API key login)", format!("IP: {}. Username: {}.", ip.ip,, ErrorEvent { event: EventType::UserFailedLogIn } ) } // Check API key. Note that API key logins bypass 2FA. let client_secret = data.client_secret.as_ref().unwrap(); if !user.check_valid_api_key(client_secret) { err!( "Incorrect client_secret", format!("IP: {}. Username: {}.", ip.ip,, ErrorEvent { event: EventType::UserFailedLogIn } ) } let (mut device, new_device) = get_device(&data, conn, &user).await; if CONFIG.mail_enabled() && new_device { let now = Utc::now().naive_utc(); if let Err(e) = mail::send_new_device_logged_in(&, &ip.ip.to_string(), &now, &device).await { error!("Error sending new device email: {:#?}", e); if CONFIG.require_device_email() { err!( "Could not send login notification email. Please contact your administrator.", ErrorEvent { event: EventType::UserFailedLogIn } ) } } } // Common let scope_vec = vec!["api".into()]; // --- // Disabled this variable, it was used to generate the JWT // Because this might get used in the future, and is add by the Bitwarden Server, lets keep it, but then commented out // See: // --- // let orgs = UserOrganization::find_confirmed_by_user(&user.uuid, conn).await; let (access_token, expires_in) = device.refresh_tokens(&user, scope_vec);; info!("User {} logged in successfully via API key. IP: {}",, ip.ip); // Note: No refresh_token is returned. The CLI just repeats the // client_credentials login flow when the existing token expires. let result = json!({ "access_token": access_token, "expires_in": expires_in, "token_type": "Bearer", "Key": user.akey, "PrivateKey": user.private_key, "Kdf": user.client_kdf_type, "KdfIterations": user.client_kdf_iter, "KdfMemory": user.client_kdf_memory, "KdfParallelism": user.client_kdf_parallelism, "ResetMasterPassword": false, // TODO: according to official server seems something like: user.password_hash.is_empty(), but would need testing "scope": "api", }); Ok(Json(result)) } async fn _organization_api_key_login(data: ConnectData, conn: &mut DbConn, ip: &ClientIp) -> JsonResult { // Get the org via the client_id let client_id = data.client_id.as_ref().unwrap(); let Some(org_uuid) = client_id.strip_prefix("organization.") else { err!("Malformed client_id", format!("IP: {}.", ip.ip)) }; let Some(org_api_key) = OrganizationApiKey::find_by_org_uuid(org_uuid, conn).await else { err!("Invalid client_id", format!("IP: {}.", ip.ip)) }; // Check API key. let client_secret = data.client_secret.as_ref().unwrap(); if !org_api_key.check_valid_api_key(client_secret) { err!("Incorrect client_secret", format!("IP: {}. Organization: {}.", ip.ip, org_api_key.org_uuid)) } let claim = generate_organization_api_key_login_claims(org_api_key.uuid, org_api_key.org_uuid); let access_token = crate::auth::encode_jwt(&claim); Ok(Json(json!({ "access_token": access_token, "expires_in": 3600, "token_type": "Bearer", "scope": "api.organization", }))) } /// Retrieves an existing device or creates a new device from ConnectData and the User async fn get_device(data: &ConnectData, conn: &mut DbConn, user: &User) -> (Device, bool) { // On iOS, device_type sends "iOS", on others it sends a number // When unknown or unable to parse, return 14, which is 'Unknown Browser' let device_type = util::try_parse_string(data.device_type.as_ref()).unwrap_or(14); let device_id = data.device_identifier.clone().expect("No device id provided"); let device_name = data.device_name.clone().expect("No device name provided"); let mut new_device = false; // Find device or create new let device = match Device::find_by_uuid_and_user(&device_id, &user.uuid, conn).await { Some(device) => device, None => { new_device = true; Device::new(device_id, user.uuid.clone(), device_name, device_type) } }; (device, new_device) } async fn twofactor_auth( user: &User, data: &ConnectData, device: &mut Device, ip: &ClientIp, is_sso: bool, conn: &mut DbConn, ) -> ApiResult> { let twofactors = TwoFactor::find_by_user(&user.uuid, conn).await; // No twofactor token if twofactor is disabled if twofactors.is_empty() { enforce_2fa_policy(user, &user.uuid, device.atype, &ip.ip, conn).await?; return Ok(None); } TwoFactorIncomplete::mark_incomplete(&user.uuid, &device.uuid, &, device.atype, ip, conn).await?; let twofactor_ids: Vec<_> = twofactors.iter().map(|tf| tf.atype).collect(); let selected_id = data.two_factor_provider.unwrap_or(twofactor_ids[0]); // If we aren't given a two factor provider, assume the first one let twofactor_code = match data.two_factor_token { Some(ref code) => code, None => { if is_sso { if CONFIG.sso_only() { err!("2FA not supported with SSO login, contact your administrator"); } else { err!("2FA not supported with SSO login, log in directly using email and master password"); } } else { err_json!(_json_err_twofactor(&twofactor_ids, &user.uuid, data, conn).await?, "2FA token not provided"); } } }; let selected_twofactor = twofactors.into_iter().find(|tf| tf.atype == selected_id && tf.enabled); use crate::crypto::ct_eq; let selected_data = _selected_data(selected_twofactor); let mut remember = data.two_factor_remember.unwrap_or(0); match TwoFactorType::from_i32(selected_id) { Some(TwoFactorType::Authenticator) => { authenticator::validate_totp_code_str(&user.uuid, twofactor_code, &selected_data?, ip, conn).await? } Some(TwoFactorType::Webauthn) => webauthn::validate_webauthn_login(&user.uuid, twofactor_code, conn).await?, Some(TwoFactorType::YubiKey) => yubikey::validate_yubikey_login(twofactor_code, &selected_data?).await?, Some(TwoFactorType::Duo) => { match CONFIG.duo_use_iframe() { true => { // Legacy iframe prompt flow duo::validate_duo_login(&, twofactor_code, conn).await? } false => { // OIDC based flow duo_oidc::validate_duo_login( &, twofactor_code, data.client_id.as_ref().unwrap(), data.device_identifier.as_ref().unwrap(), conn, ) .await? } } } Some(TwoFactorType::Email) => { email::validate_email_code_str(&user.uuid, twofactor_code, &selected_data?, conn).await? } Some(TwoFactorType::Remember) => { match device.twofactor_remember { Some(ref code) if !CONFIG.disable_2fa_remember() && ct_eq(code, twofactor_code) => { remember = 1; // Make sure we also return the token here, otherwise it will only remember the first time } _ => { err_json!( _json_err_twofactor(&twofactor_ids, &user.uuid, data, conn).await?, "2FA Remember token not provided" ) } } } _ => err!( "Invalid two factor provider", ErrorEvent { event: EventType::UserFailedLogIn2fa } ), } TwoFactorIncomplete::mark_complete(&user.uuid, &device.uuid, conn).await?; if !CONFIG.disable_2fa_remember() && remember == 1 { Ok(Some(device.refresh_twofactor_remember())) } else { device.delete_twofactor_remember(); Ok(None) } } fn _selected_data(tf: Option) -> ApiResult {|t|"Two factor doesn't exist") } async fn _json_err_twofactor( providers: &[i32], user_uuid: &str, data: &ConnectData, conn: &mut DbConn, ) -> ApiResult { let mut result = json!({ "error" : "invalid_grant", "error_description" : "Two factor required.", "TwoFactorProviders" : providers.iter().map(ToString::to_string).collect::>(), "TwoFactorProviders2" : {}, // { "0" : null } "MasterPasswordPolicy": { "Object": "masterPasswordPolicy" } }); for provider in providers { result["TwoFactorProviders2"][provider.to_string()] = Value::Null; match TwoFactorType::from_i32(*provider) { Some(TwoFactorType::Authenticator) => { /* Nothing to do for TOTP */ } Some(TwoFactorType::Webauthn) if CONFIG.domain_set() => { let request = webauthn::generate_webauthn_login(user_uuid, conn).await?; result["TwoFactorProviders2"][provider.to_string()] = request.0; } Some(TwoFactorType::Duo) => { let email = match User::find_by_uuid(user_uuid, conn).await { Some(u) =>, None => err!("User does not exist"), }; match CONFIG.duo_use_iframe() { true => { // Legacy iframe prompt flow let (signature, host) = duo::generate_duo_signature(&email, conn).await?; result["TwoFactorProviders2"][provider.to_string()] = json!({ "Host": host, "Signature": signature, }) } false => { // OIDC based flow let auth_url = duo_oidc::get_duo_auth_url( &email, data.client_id.as_ref().unwrap(), data.device_identifier.as_ref().unwrap(), conn, ) .await?; result["TwoFactorProviders2"][provider.to_string()] = json!({ "AuthUrl": auth_url, }) } } } Some(tf_type @ TwoFactorType::YubiKey) => { let Some(twofactor) = TwoFactor::find_by_user_and_type(user_uuid, tf_type as i32, conn).await else { err!("No YubiKey devices registered") }; let yubikey_metadata: yubikey::YubikeyMetadata = serde_json::from_str(&; result["TwoFactorProviders2"][provider.to_string()] = json!({ "Nfc": yubikey_metadata.nfc, }) } Some(tf_type @ TwoFactorType::Email) => { let Some(twofactor) = TwoFactor::find_by_user_and_type(user_uuid, tf_type as i32, conn).await else { err!("No twofactor email registered") }; // Send email immediately if email is the only 2FA option if providers.len() == 1 { email::send_token(user_uuid, conn).await? } let email_data = email::EmailTokenData::from_json(&; result["TwoFactorProviders2"][provider.to_string()] = json!({ "Email": email::obscure_email(&, }) } _ => {} } } Ok(result) } #[post("/accounts/prelogin", data = "")] async fn prelogin(data: Json, conn: DbConn) -> Json { _prelogin(data, conn).await } #[post("/accounts/register", data = "")] async fn identity_register(data: Json, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult { _register(data, conn).await } // // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, FromForm)] struct ConnectData { #[field(name = uncased("grant_type"))] #[field(name = uncased("granttype"))] grant_type: String, // refresh_token, password, client_credentials (API key) // Needed for grant_type="refresh_token" #[field(name = uncased("refresh_token"))] #[field(name = uncased("refreshtoken"))] refresh_token: Option, // Needed for grant_type = "password" | "client_credentials" #[field(name = uncased("client_id"))] #[field(name = uncased("clientid"))] client_id: Option, // web, cli, desktop, browser, mobile #[field(name = uncased("client_secret"))] #[field(name = uncased("clientsecret"))] client_secret: Option, #[field(name = uncased("password"))] password: Option, #[field(name = uncased("scope"))] scope: Option, #[field(name = uncased("username"))] username: Option, #[field(name = uncased("device_identifier"))] #[field(name = uncased("deviceidentifier"))] device_identifier: Option, #[field(name = uncased("device_name"))] #[field(name = uncased("devicename"))] device_name: Option, #[field(name = uncased("device_type"))] #[field(name = uncased("devicetype"))] device_type: Option, #[allow(unused)] #[field(name = uncased("device_push_token"))] #[field(name = uncased("devicepushtoken"))] _device_push_token: Option, // Unused; mobile device push not yet supported. // Needed for two-factor auth #[field(name = uncased("two_factor_provider"))] #[field(name = uncased("twofactorprovider"))] two_factor_provider: Option, #[field(name = uncased("two_factor_token"))] #[field(name = uncased("twofactortoken"))] two_factor_token: Option, #[field(name = uncased("two_factor_remember"))] #[field(name = uncased("twofactorremember"))] two_factor_remember: Option, #[field(name = uncased("authrequest"))] auth_request: Option, // Needed for authorization code #[form(field = uncased("code"))] code: Option, } fn _check_is_some(value: &Option, msg: &str) -> EmptyResult { if value.is_none() { err!(msg) } Ok(()) } #[get("/account/prevalidate")] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn prevalidate() -> JsonResult { let claims = generate_ssotoken_claims(); let ssotoken = encode_jwt(&claims); Ok(Json(json!({ "token": ssotoken, }))) } use openidconnect::core::{CoreClient, CoreProviderMetadata, CoreResponseType, CoreUserInfoClaims}; use openidconnect::reqwest::async_http_client; use openidconnect::{ AuthenticationFlow, AuthorizationCode, ClientId, ClientSecret, CsrfToken, IssuerUrl, Nonce, OAuth2TokenResponse, RedirectUrl, Scope, }; async fn get_client_from_sso_config() -> ApiResult { let redirect = CONFIG.sso_callback_path(); let client_id = ClientId::new(CONFIG.sso_client_id()); let client_secret = ClientSecret::new(CONFIG.sso_client_secret()); let issuer_url = match IssuerUrl::new(CONFIG.sso_authority()) { Ok(issuer) => issuer, Err(_err) => err!("invalid issuer URL"), }; let provider_metadata = match CoreProviderMetadata::discover_async(issuer_url, async_http_client).await { Ok(metadata) => metadata, Err(_err) => { err!("Failed to discover OpenID provider") } }; let redirect_uri = match RedirectUrl::new(redirect) { Ok(uri) => uri, Err(err) => err!("Invalid redirection url: {}", err.to_string()), }; let client = CoreClient::from_provider_metadata(provider_metadata, client_id, Some(client_secret)) .set_redirect_uri(redirect_uri); Ok(client) } #[get("/connect/oidc-signin?")] fn oidcsignin(code: String, jar: &CookieJar<'_>, _conn: DbConn) -> ApiResult { let cookiemanager = CookieManager::new(jar); let redirect_uri = match cookiemanager.get_cookie("redirect_uri".to_string()) { None => err!("No redirect_uri in cookie"), Some(uri) => uri, }; let orig_state = match cookiemanager.get_cookie("state".to_string()) { None => err!("No state in cookie"), Some(state) => state, }; cookiemanager.delete_cookie("redirect_uri".to_string()); cookiemanager.delete_cookie("state".to_string()); let redirect = CustomRedirect { url: format!("{redirect_uri}?code={code}&state={orig_state}"), headers: vec![], }; Ok(redirect) } #[derive(FromForm)] #[allow(non_snake_case)] struct AuthorizeData { #[allow(unused)] #[field(name = uncased("client_id"))] #[field(name = uncased("clientid"))] client_id: Option, #[field(name = uncased("redirect_uri"))] #[field(name = uncased("redirecturi"))] redirect_uri: Option, #[allow(unused)] #[field(name = uncased("response_type"))] #[field(name = uncased("responsetype"))] response_type: Option, #[allow(unused)] #[field(name = uncased("scope"))] scope: Option, #[field(name = uncased("state"))] state: Option, #[allow(unused)] #[field(name = uncased("code_challenge"))] code_challenge: Option, #[allow(unused)] #[field(name = uncased("code_challenge_method"))] code_challenge_method: Option, #[allow(unused)] #[field(name = uncased("response_mode"))] response_mode: Option, #[allow(unused)] #[field(name = uncased("domain_hint"))] domain_hint: Option, #[allow(unused)] #[field(name = uncased("ssoToken"))] ssoToken: Option, } #[get("/connect/authorize?")] async fn authorize(data: AuthorizeData, jar: &CookieJar<'_>, mut conn: DbConn) -> ApiResult { let cookiemanager = CookieManager::new(jar); match get_client_from_sso_config().await { Ok(client) => { let (auth_url, _csrf_state, nonce) = client .authorize_url( AuthenticationFlow::::AuthorizationCode, CsrfToken::new_random, Nonce::new_random, ) .add_scope(Scope::new("email".to_string())) .add_scope(Scope::new("profile".to_string())) .url(); let sso_nonce = SsoNonce::new(nonce.secret().to_string()); conn).await?; let redirect_uri = match data.redirect_uri { None => err!("No redirect_uri in data"), Some(uri) => uri, }; cookiemanager.set_cookie("redirect_uri".to_string(), redirect_uri); let state = match data.state { None => err!("No state in data"), Some(state) => state, }; cookiemanager.set_cookie("state".to_string(), state); let redirect = CustomRedirect { url: format!("{}", auth_url), headers: vec![], }; Ok(redirect) } Err(_err) => err!("Unable to find client from identifier"), } } async fn get_auth_code_access_token(code: &str) -> ApiResult<(String, String, CoreUserInfoClaims)> { let oidc_code = AuthorizationCode::new(String::from(code)); match get_client_from_sso_config().await { Ok(client) => match client.exchange_code(oidc_code).request_async(async_http_client).await { Ok(token_response) => { let refresh_token = match token_response.refresh_token() { Some(token) => token.secret().to_string(), None => String::new(), }; let id_token = match token_response.extra_fields().id_token() { None => err!("Token response did not contain an id_token"), Some(token) => token.to_string(), }; let user_info: CoreUserInfoClaims = match client.user_info(token_response.access_token().to_owned(), None) { Err(_err) => err!("Token response did not contain user_info"), Ok(info) => match info.request_async(async_http_client).await { Err(_err) => err!("Request to user_info endpoint failed"), Ok(claim) => claim, }, }; Ok((refresh_token, id_token, user_info)) } Err(err) => err!("Failed to contact token endpoint: {}", err.to_string()), }, Err(_err) => err!("Unable to find client"), } }