import { expect, type Browser,Page } from '@playwright/test'; export async function createAccount(test, page: Page, user: { email: string, name: string, password: string }, emails) { await test.step('Create user', async () => { // Landing page await page.goto('/'); await page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Create account' }).click(); // Back to Vault create account await expect(page).toHaveTitle(/Create account | Vaultwarden Web/); await page.getByLabel(/Email address/).fill(; await page.getByLabel('Name').fill(; await page.getByLabel('Master password\n (required)', { exact: true }).fill(user.password); await page.getByLabel('Re-type master password').fill(user.password); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Create account' }).click(); // Back to the login page await expect(page).toHaveTitle('Vaultwarden Web'); await expect(page.getByTestId("toast-message")).toHaveText(/Your new account has been created/); if( emails ){ const { value: welcome } = await; expect(welcome.subject).toContain("Welcome"); } }); } export async function logUser(test, page: Page, user: { email: string, password: string }, emails) { await test.step('Log user', async () => { // Landing page await page.goto('/'); await page.getByLabel(/Email address/).fill(; await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Continue' }).click(); // Unlock page await page.getByLabel('Master password').fill(user.password); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Log in with master password' }).click(); // We are now in the default vault page await expect(page).toHaveTitle(/Vaultwarden Web/); if( emails ){ const { value: logged } = await; expect(logged.subject).toContain("New Device Logged"); } }); }