use chrono::Utc; use data_encoding::BASE64; use rocket::Route; use rocket_contrib::json::Json; use crate::{ api::{core::two_factor::_generate_recover_code, ApiResult, EmptyResult, JsonResult, JsonUpcase, PasswordData}, auth::Headers, crypto, db::{ models::{TwoFactor, TwoFactorType, User}, DbConn, }, error::MapResult, util::get_reqwest_client, CONFIG, }; pub fn routes() -> Vec { routes![get_duo, activate_duo, activate_duo_put,] } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct DuoData { host: String, // Duo API hostname ik: String, // integration key sk: String, // secret key } impl DuoData { fn global() -> Option { match (CONFIG._enable_duo(), CONFIG.duo_host()) { (true, Some(host)) => Some(Self { host, ik: CONFIG.duo_ikey().unwrap(), sk: CONFIG.duo_skey().unwrap(), }), _ => None, } } fn msg(s: &str) -> Self { Self { host: s.into(), ik: s.into(), sk: s.into(), } } fn secret() -> Self { Self::msg("") } fn obscure(self) -> Self { let mut host =; let mut ik = self.ik; let mut sk =; let digits = 4; let replaced = "************"; host.replace_range(digits.., replaced); ik.replace_range(digits.., replaced); sk.replace_range(digits.., replaced); Self { host, ik, sk, } } } enum DuoStatus { Global(DuoData), // Using the global duo config User(DuoData), // Using the user's config Disabled(bool), // True if there is a global setting } impl DuoStatus { fn data(self) -> Option { match self { DuoStatus::Global(data) => Some(data), DuoStatus::User(data) => Some(data), DuoStatus::Disabled(_) => None, } } } const DISABLED_MESSAGE_DEFAULT: &str = ""; #[post("/two-factor/get-duo", data = "")] fn get_duo(data: JsonUpcase, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult { let data: PasswordData = data.into_inner().data; if !headers.user.check_valid_password(&data.MasterPasswordHash) { err!("Invalid password"); } let data = get_user_duo_data(&headers.user.uuid, &conn); let (enabled, data) = match data { DuoStatus::Global(_) => (true, Some(DuoData::secret())), DuoStatus::User(data) => (true, Some(data.obscure())), DuoStatus::Disabled(true) => (false, Some(DuoData::msg(DISABLED_MESSAGE_DEFAULT))), DuoStatus::Disabled(false) => (false, None), }; let json = if let Some(data) = data { json!({ "Enabled": enabled, "Host":, "SecretKey":, "IntegrationKey": data.ik, "Object": "twoFactorDuo" }) } else { json!({ "Enabled": enabled, "Object": "twoFactorDuo" }) }; Ok(Json(json)) } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[allow(non_snake_case, dead_code)] struct EnableDuoData { MasterPasswordHash: String, Host: String, SecretKey: String, IntegrationKey: String, } impl From for DuoData { fn from(d: EnableDuoData) -> Self { Self { host: d.Host, ik: d.IntegrationKey, sk: d.SecretKey, } } } fn check_duo_fields_custom(data: &EnableDuoData) -> bool { fn empty_or_default(s: &str) -> bool { let st = s.trim(); st.is_empty() || s == DISABLED_MESSAGE_DEFAULT } !empty_or_default(&data.Host) && !empty_or_default(&data.SecretKey) && !empty_or_default(&data.IntegrationKey) } #[post("/two-factor/duo", data = "")] fn activate_duo(data: JsonUpcase, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult { let data: EnableDuoData = data.into_inner().data; let mut user = headers.user; if !user.check_valid_password(&data.MasterPasswordHash) { err!("Invalid password"); } let (data, data_str) = if check_duo_fields_custom(&data) { let data_req: DuoData = data.into(); let data_str = serde_json::to_string(&data_req)?; duo_api_request("GET", "/auth/v2/check", "", &data_req).map_res("Failed to validate Duo credentials")?; (data_req.obscure(), data_str) } else { (DuoData::secret(), String::new()) }; let type_ = TwoFactorType::Duo; let twofactor = TwoFactor::new(user.uuid.clone(), type_, data_str);; _generate_recover_code(&mut user, &conn); Ok(Json(json!({ "Enabled": true, "Host":, "SecretKey":, "IntegrationKey": data.ik, "Object": "twoFactorDuo" }))) } #[put("/two-factor/duo", data = "")] fn activate_duo_put(data: JsonUpcase, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult { activate_duo(data, headers, conn) } fn duo_api_request(method: &str, path: &str, params: &str, data: &DuoData) -> EmptyResult { use reqwest::{header, Method}; use std::str::FromStr; // let url = format!("https://{}{}", &, path); let date = Utc::now().to_rfc2822(); let username = &data.ik; let fields = [&date, method, &, path, params]; let password = crypto::hmac_sign(&, &fields.join("\n")); let m = Method::from_str(method).unwrap_or_default(); let client = get_reqwest_client(); client .request(m, &url) .basic_auth(username, Some(password)) .header(header::USER_AGENT, "vaultwarden:Duo/1.0 (Rust)") .header(header::DATE, date) .send()? .error_for_status()?; Ok(()) } const DUO_EXPIRE: i64 = 300; const APP_EXPIRE: i64 = 3600; const AUTH_PREFIX: &str = "AUTH"; const DUO_PREFIX: &str = "TX"; const APP_PREFIX: &str = "APP"; fn get_user_duo_data(uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> DuoStatus { let type_ = TwoFactorType::Duo as i32; // If the user doesn't have an entry, disabled let twofactor = match TwoFactor::find_by_user_and_type(uuid, type_, &conn) { Some(t) => t, None => return DuoStatus::Disabled(DuoData::global().is_some()), }; // If the user has the required values, we use those if let Ok(data) = serde_json::from_str(& { return DuoStatus::User(data); } // Otherwise, we try to use the globals if let Some(global) = DuoData::global() { return DuoStatus::Global(global); } // If there are no globals configured, just disable it DuoStatus::Disabled(false) } // let (ik, sk, ak, host) = get_duo_keys(); fn get_duo_keys_email(email: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> ApiResult<(String, String, String, String)> { let data = User::find_by_mail(email, &conn) .and_then(|u| get_user_duo_data(&u.uuid, &conn).data()) .or_else(DuoData::global) .map_res("Can't fetch Duo keys")?; Ok((data.ik,, CONFIG.get_duo_akey(), } pub fn generate_duo_signature(email: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> ApiResult<(String, String)> { let now = Utc::now().timestamp(); let (ik, sk, ak, host) = get_duo_keys_email(email, conn)?; let duo_sign = sign_duo_values(&sk, email, &ik, DUO_PREFIX, now + DUO_EXPIRE); let app_sign = sign_duo_values(&ak, email, &ik, APP_PREFIX, now + APP_EXPIRE); Ok((format!("{}:{}", duo_sign, app_sign), host)) } fn sign_duo_values(key: &str, email: &str, ikey: &str, prefix: &str, expire: i64) -> String { let val = format!("{}|{}|{}", email, ikey, expire); let cookie = format!("{}|{}", prefix, BASE64.encode(val.as_bytes())); format!("{}|{}", cookie, crypto::hmac_sign(key, &cookie)) } pub fn validate_duo_login(email: &str, response: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult { // email is as entered by the user, so it needs to be normalized before // comparison with auth_user below. let email = &email.to_lowercase(); let split: Vec<&str> = response.split(':').collect(); if split.len() != 2 { err!("Invalid response length"); } let auth_sig = split[0]; let app_sig = split[1]; let now = Utc::now().timestamp(); let (ik, sk, ak, _host) = get_duo_keys_email(email, conn)?; let auth_user = parse_duo_values(&sk, auth_sig, &ik, AUTH_PREFIX, now)?; let app_user = parse_duo_values(&ak, app_sig, &ik, APP_PREFIX, now)?; if !crypto::ct_eq(&auth_user, app_user) || !crypto::ct_eq(&auth_user, email) { err!("Error validating duo authentication") } Ok(()) } fn parse_duo_values(key: &str, val: &str, ikey: &str, prefix: &str, time: i64) -> ApiResult { let split: Vec<&str> = val.split('|').collect(); if split.len() != 3 { err!("Invalid value length") } let u_prefix = split[0]; let u_b64 = split[1]; let u_sig = split[2]; let sig = crypto::hmac_sign(key, &format!("{}|{}", u_prefix, u_b64)); if !crypto::ct_eq(crypto::hmac_sign(key, &sig), crypto::hmac_sign(key, u_sig)) { err!("Duo signatures don't match") } if u_prefix != prefix { err!("Prefixes don't match") } let cookie_vec = match BASE64.decode(u_b64.as_bytes()) { Ok(c) => c, Err(_) => err!("Invalid Duo cookie encoding"), }; let cookie = match String::from_utf8(cookie_vec) { Ok(c) => c, Err(_) => err!("Invalid Duo cookie encoding"), }; let cookie_split: Vec<&str> = cookie.split('|').collect(); if cookie_split.len() != 3 { err!("Invalid cookie length") } let username = cookie_split[0]; let u_ikey = cookie_split[1]; let expire = cookie_split[2]; if !crypto::ct_eq(ikey, u_ikey) { err!("Invalid ikey") } let expire = match expire.parse() { Ok(e) => e, Err(_) => err!("Invalid expire time"), }; if time >= expire { err!("Expired authorization") } Ok(username.into()) }