use chrono::Utc; use regex::Regex; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::time::Duration; use url::Url; use mini_moka::sync::Cache; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use openidconnect::core::{ CoreClient, CoreIdTokenVerifier, CoreProviderMetadata, CoreResponseType, CoreUserInfoClaims, }; use openidconnect::reqwest::async_http_client; use openidconnect::{ AccessToken, AuthDisplay, AuthPrompt, AuthenticationFlow, AuthorizationCode, AuthorizationRequest, ClientId, ClientSecret, CsrfToken, Nonce, OAuth2TokenResponse, PkceCodeChallenge, PkceCodeVerifier, RefreshToken, ResponseType, Scope, }; use crate::{ api::ApiResult, auth, auth::{AuthMethod, AuthTokens, TokenWrapper, BW_EXPIRATION, DEFAULT_REFRESH_VALIDITY}, db::{ models::{Device, SsoNonce, User}, DbConn, }, CONFIG, }; static AC_CACHE: Lazy<Cache<String, AuthenticatedUser>> = Lazy::new(|| Cache::builder().max_capacity(1000).time_to_live(Duration::from_secs(10 * 60)).build()); static CLIENT_CACHE_KEY: Lazy<String> = Lazy::new(|| "sso-client".to_string()); static CLIENT_CACHE: Lazy<Cache<String, CoreClient>> = Lazy::new(|| { Cache::builder().max_capacity(1).time_to_live(Duration::from_secs(CONFIG.sso_client_cache_expiration())).build() }); static SSO_JWT_ISSUER: Lazy<String> = Lazy::new(|| format!("{}|sso", CONFIG.domain_origin())); pub static NONCE_EXPIRATION: Lazy<chrono::Duration> = Lazy::new(|| chrono::TimeDelta::try_minutes(10).unwrap()); trait AuthorizationRequestExt<'a> { fn add_extra_params<N: Into<Cow<'a, str>>, V: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(self, params: Vec<(N, V)>) -> Self; } impl<'a, AD: AuthDisplay, P: AuthPrompt, RT: ResponseType> AuthorizationRequestExt<'a> for AuthorizationRequest<'a, AD, P, RT> { fn add_extra_params<N: Into<Cow<'a, str>>, V: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(mut self, params: Vec<(N, V)>) -> Self { for (key, value) in params { self = self.add_extra_param(key, value); } self } } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct SsoTokenJwtClaims { // Not before pub nbf: i64, // Expiration time pub exp: i64, // Issuer pub iss: String, // Subject pub sub: String, } pub fn encode_ssotoken_claims() -> String { let time_now = Utc::now(); let claims = SsoTokenJwtClaims { nbf: time_now.timestamp(), exp: (time_now + chrono::TimeDelta::try_minutes(2).unwrap()).timestamp(), iss: SSO_JWT_ISSUER.to_string(), sub: "vaultwarden".to_string(), }; auth::encode_jwt(&claims) } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum OIDCCodeWrapper { Ok { state: String, code: String, }, Error { state: String, error: String, error_description: Option<String>, }, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct OIDCCodeClaims { // Expiration time pub exp: i64, // Issuer pub iss: String, pub code: OIDCCodeWrapper, } pub fn encode_code_claims(code: OIDCCodeWrapper) -> String { let time_now = Utc::now(); let claims = OIDCCodeClaims { exp: (time_now + chrono::TimeDelta::try_minutes(5).unwrap()).timestamp(), iss: SSO_JWT_ISSUER.to_string(), code, }; auth::encode_jwt(&claims) } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct BasicTokenClaims { iat: Option<i64>, nbf: Option<i64>, exp: i64, } impl BasicTokenClaims { fn nbf(&self) -> i64 { self.nbf.or(self.iat).unwrap_or_else(|| Utc::now().timestamp()) } } fn decode_token_claims(token_name: &str, token: &str) -> ApiResult<BasicTokenClaims> { let mut validation = jsonwebtoken::Validation::default(); validation.set_issuer(&[CONFIG.sso_authority()]); validation.insecure_disable_signature_validation(); validation.validate_aud = false; match jsonwebtoken::decode(token, &jsonwebtoken::DecodingKey::from_secret(&[]), &validation) { Ok(btc) => Ok(, Err(err) => err_silent!(format!("Failed to decode basic token claims from {token_name}: {err}")), } } #[rocket::async_trait] trait CoreClientExt { async fn _get_client() -> ApiResult<CoreClient>; async fn cached() -> ApiResult<CoreClient>; async fn user_info_async(&self, access_token: AccessToken) -> ApiResult<CoreUserInfoClaims>; fn vw_id_token_verifier(&self) -> CoreIdTokenVerifier<'_>; } #[rocket::async_trait] impl CoreClientExt for CoreClient { // Call the OpenId discovery endpoint to retrieve configuration async fn _get_client() -> ApiResult<CoreClient> { let client_id = ClientId::new(CONFIG.sso_client_id()); let client_secret = ClientSecret::new(CONFIG.sso_client_secret()); let issuer_url = CONFIG.sso_issuer_url()?; let provider_metadata = match CoreProviderMetadata::discover_async(issuer_url, async_http_client).await { Err(err) => err!(format!("Failed to discover OpenID provider: {err}")), Ok(metadata) => metadata, }; Ok(CoreClient::from_provider_metadata(provider_metadata, client_id, Some(client_secret)) .set_redirect_uri(CONFIG.sso_redirect_url()?)) } // Simple cache to prevent recalling the discovery endpoint each time async fn cached() -> ApiResult<CoreClient> { if CONFIG.sso_client_cache_expiration() > 0 { match CLIENT_CACHE.get(&*CLIENT_CACHE_KEY) { Some(client) => Ok(client), None => Self::_get_client().await.inspect(|client| { debug!("Inserting new client in cache"); CLIENT_CACHE.insert(CLIENT_CACHE_KEY.clone(), client.clone()); }), } } else { Self::_get_client().await } } async fn user_info_async(&self, access_token: AccessToken) -> ApiResult<CoreUserInfoClaims> { let endpoint = match self.user_info(access_token, None) { Err(err) => err!(format!("No user_info endpoint: {err}")), Ok(endpoint) => endpoint, }; match endpoint.request_async(async_http_client).await { Err(err) => err!(format!("Request to user_info endpoint failed: {err}")), Ok(user_info) => Ok(user_info), } } fn vw_id_token_verifier(&self) -> CoreIdTokenVerifier<'_> { let mut verifier = self.id_token_verifier(); if let Some(regex_str) = CONFIG.sso_audience_trusted() { match Regex::new(®ex_str) { Ok(regex) => { verifier = verifier.set_other_audience_verifier_fn(move |aud| regex.is_match(aud)); } Err(err) => { error!("Failed to parse SSO_AUDIENCE_TRUSTED={regex_str} regex: {err}"); } } } verifier } } // The `nonce` allow to protect against replay attacks // The `state` is encoded using base64 to ensure no issue with providers (It contains the Organization identifier). // redirect_uri from: pub async fn authorize_url(state: String, client_id: &str, raw_redirect_uri: &str, mut conn: DbConn) -> ApiResult<Url> { let scopes = CONFIG.sso_scopes_vec().into_iter().map(Scope::new); let base64_state = data_encoding::BASE64.encode(state.as_bytes()); let redirect_uri = match client_id { "web" | "browser" => format!("{}/sso-connector.html", CONFIG.domain()), "desktop" | "mobile" => "bitwarden://sso-callback".to_string(), "cli" => { let port_regex = Regex::new(r"^http://localhost:([0-9]{4})$").unwrap(); match port_regex.captures(raw_redirect_uri).and_then(|captures| captures.get(1).map(|c| c.as_str())) { Some(port) => format!("http://localhost:{}", port), None => err!("Failed to extract port number"), } } _ => err!(format!("Unsupported client {client_id}")), }; let client = CoreClient::cached().await?; let mut auth_req = client .authorize_url( AuthenticationFlow::<CoreResponseType>::AuthorizationCode, || CsrfToken::new(base64_state), Nonce::new_random, ) .add_scopes(scopes) .add_extra_params(CONFIG.sso_authorize_extra_params_vec()?); let verifier = if CONFIG.sso_pkce() { let (pkce_challenge, pkce_verifier) = PkceCodeChallenge::new_random_sha256(); auth_req = auth_req.set_pkce_challenge(pkce_challenge); Some(pkce_verifier.secret().to_string()) } else { None }; let (auth_url, _, nonce) = auth_req.url(); let sso_nonce = SsoNonce::new(state, nonce.secret().to_string(), verifier, redirect_uri); conn).await?; Ok(auth_url) } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct AuthenticatedUser { pub refresh_token: Option<String>, pub access_token: String, pub expires_in: Option<Duration>, pub identifier: String, pub email: String, pub email_verified: Option<bool>, pub user_name: Option<String>, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct UserInformation { pub state: String, pub identifier: String, pub email: String, pub email_verified: Option<bool>, pub user_name: Option<String>, } async fn decode_code_claims(code: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> ApiResult<(String, String)> { match auth::decode_jwt::<OIDCCodeClaims>(code, SSO_JWT_ISSUER.to_string()) { Ok(code_claims) => match code_claims.code { OIDCCodeWrapper::Ok { state, code, } => Ok((code, state)), OIDCCodeWrapper::Error { state, error, error_description, } => { if let Err(err) = SsoNonce::delete(&state, conn).await { error!("Failed to delete database sso_nonce using {state}: {err}") } err!(format!( "SSO authorization failed: {error}, {}", error_description.as_ref().unwrap_or(&String::new()) )) } }, Err(err) => err!(format!("Failed to decode code wrapper: {err}")), } } // During the 2FA flow we will // - retrieve the user information and then only discover he needs 2FA. // - second time we will rely on the `AC_CACHE` since the `code` has already been exchanged. // The `nonce` will ensure that the user is authorized only once. // We return only the `UserInformation` to force calling `redeem` to obtain the `refresh_token`. pub async fn exchange_code(wrapped_code: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> ApiResult<UserInformation> { let (code, state) = decode_code_claims(wrapped_code, conn).await?; if let Some(authenticated_user) = AC_CACHE.get(&state) { return Ok(UserInformation { state, identifier: authenticated_user.identifier, email:, email_verified: authenticated_user.email_verified, user_name: authenticated_user.user_name, }); } let oidc_code = AuthorizationCode::new(code.clone()); let client = CoreClient::cached().await?; let nonce = match SsoNonce::find(&state, conn).await { None => err!(format!("Invalid state cannot retrieve nonce")), Some(nonce) => nonce, }; let mut exchange = client.exchange_code(oidc_code); if CONFIG.sso_pkce() { match nonce.verifier { None => err!(format!("Missing verifier in the DB nonce table")), Some(secret) => exchange = exchange.set_pkce_verifier(PkceCodeVerifier::new(secret)), } } match exchange.request_async(async_http_client).await { Ok(token_response) => { let user_info = client.user_info_async(token_response.access_token().to_owned()).await?; let oidc_nonce = Nonce::new(nonce.nonce.clone()); let id_token = match token_response.extra_fields().id_token() { None => err!("Token response did not contain an id_token"), Some(token) => token, }; if CONFIG.sso_debug_tokens() { debug!("Id token: {}", id_token.to_string()); debug!("Access token: {}", token_response.access_token().secret().to_string()); debug!("Refresh token: {:?}", token_response.refresh_token().map(|t| t.secret().to_string())); debug!("Expiration time: {:?}", token_response.expires_in()); } let id_claims = match, &oidc_nonce) { Ok(claims) => claims, Err(err) => { if CONFIG.sso_client_cache_expiration() > 0 { CLIENT_CACHE.invalidate(&*CLIENT_CACHE_KEY); } err!(format!("Could not read id_token claims, {err}")); } }; let email = match { Some(email) => email.to_string(), None => match { None => err!("Neither id token nor userinfo contained an email"), Some(email) => email.to_owned().to_string(), }, } .to_lowercase(); let user_name = user_info.preferred_username().map(|un| un.to_string()); let refresh_token = token_response.refresh_token().map(|t| t.secret().to_string()); if refresh_token.is_none() && CONFIG.sso_scopes_vec().contains(&"offline_access".to_string()) { error!("Scope offline_access is present but response contain no refresh_token"); } let identifier = format!("{}/{}", **id_claims.issuer(), **id_claims.subject()); let authenticated_user = AuthenticatedUser { refresh_token, access_token: token_response.access_token().secret().to_string(), expires_in: token_response.expires_in(), identifier: identifier.clone(), email: email.clone(), email_verified: id_claims.email_verified(), user_name: user_name.clone(), }; AC_CACHE.insert(state.clone(), authenticated_user.clone()); Ok(UserInformation { state, identifier, email, email_verified: id_claims.email_verified(), user_name, }) } Err(err) => err!(format!("Failed to contact token endpoint: {err}")), } } // User has passed 2FA flow we can delete `nonce` and clear the cache. pub async fn redeem(state: &String, conn: &mut DbConn) -> ApiResult<AuthenticatedUser> { if let Err(err) = SsoNonce::delete(state, conn).await { error!("Failed to delete database sso_nonce using {state}: {err}") } if let Some(au) = AC_CACHE.get(state) { AC_CACHE.invalidate(state); Ok(au) } else { err!("Failed to retrieve user info from sso cache") } } // We always return a refresh_token (with no refresh_token some secrets are not displayed in the web front). // If there is no SSO refresh_token, we keep the access_token to be able to call user_info to check for validity pub fn create_auth_tokens( device: &Device, user: &User, refresh_token: Option<String>, access_token: &str, expires_in: Option<Duration>, ) -> ApiResult<AuthTokens> { if !CONFIG.sso_auth_only_not_session() { let now = Utc::now(); let (ap_nbf, ap_exp) = match (decode_token_claims("access_token", access_token), expires_in) { (Ok(ap), _) => (ap.nbf(), ap.exp), (Err(_), Some(exp)) => (now.timestamp(), (now + exp).timestamp()), _ => err!("Non jwt access_token and empty expires_in"), }; let access_claims = auth::LoginJwtClaims::new(device, user, ap_nbf, ap_exp, AuthMethod::Sso.scope_vec(), now); _create_auth_tokens(device, refresh_token, access_claims, access_token) } else { Ok(AuthTokens::new(device, user, AuthMethod::Sso)) } } fn _create_auth_tokens( device: &Device, refresh_token: Option<String>, access_claims: auth::LoginJwtClaims, access_token: &str, ) -> ApiResult<AuthTokens> { let (nbf, exp, token) = if let Some(rt) = refresh_token.as_ref() { match decode_token_claims("refresh_token", rt) { Err(_) => { let time_now = Utc::now(); let exp = (time_now + *DEFAULT_REFRESH_VALIDITY).timestamp(); debug!("Non jwt refresh_token (expiration set to {})", exp); (time_now.timestamp(), exp, TokenWrapper::Refresh(rt.to_string())) } Ok(refresh_payload) => { debug!("Refresh_payload: {:?}", refresh_payload); (refresh_payload.nbf(), refresh_payload.exp, TokenWrapper::Refresh(rt.to_string())) } } } else { debug!("No refresh_token present"); (access_claims.nbf, access_claims.exp, TokenWrapper::Access(access_token.to_string())) }; let refresh_claims = auth::RefreshJwtClaims { nbf, exp, iss: auth::JWT_LOGIN_ISSUER.to_string(), sub: AuthMethod::Sso, device_token: device.refresh_token.clone(), token: Some(token), }; Ok(AuthTokens { refresh_claims, access_claims, }) } // This endpoint is called in two case // - the session is close to expiration we will try to extend it // - the user is going to make an action and we check that the session is still valid pub async fn exchange_refresh_token( device: &Device, user: &User, refresh_claims: &auth::RefreshJwtClaims, ) -> ApiResult<AuthTokens> { match &refresh_claims.token { Some(TokenWrapper::Refresh(refresh_token)) => { let rt = RefreshToken::new(refresh_token.to_string()); let client = CoreClient::cached().await?; let token_response = match client.exchange_refresh_token(&rt).request_async(async_http_client).await { Err(err) => err!(format!("Request to exchange_refresh_token endpoint failed: {:?}", err)), Ok(token_response) => token_response, }; // Use new refresh_token if returned let rolled_refresh_token = token_response .refresh_token() .map(|token| token.secret().to_string()) .unwrap_or(refresh_token.to_string()); create_auth_tokens( device, user, Some(rolled_refresh_token), token_response.access_token().secret(), token_response.expires_in(), ) } Some(TokenWrapper::Access(access_token)) => { let now = Utc::now(); let exp_limit = (now + *BW_EXPIRATION).timestamp(); if refresh_claims.exp < exp_limit { err_silent!("Access token is close to expiration but we have no refresh token") } let client = CoreClient::cached().await?; match client.user_info_async(AccessToken::new(access_token.to_string())).await { Err(err) => { err_silent!(format!("Failed to retrieve user info, token has probably been invalidated: {err}")) } Ok(_) => { let access_claims = auth::LoginJwtClaims::new( device, user, now.timestamp(), refresh_claims.exp, AuthMethod::Sso.scope_vec(), now, ); _create_auth_tokens(device, None, access_claims, access_token) } } } None => err!("No token present while in SSO"), } }