Spiegel von
synchronisiert 2025-03-05 15:37:02 +01:00
Implement admin JWT cookie, separate JWT issuers for each type of token and migrate admin page to handlebars template
Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
12 geänderte Dateien mit 366 neuen und 319 gelöschten Zeilen
@ -1,18 +1,93 @@
use rocket_contrib::json::Json;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::api::{JsonResult, JsonUpcase};
use crate::CONFIG;
use crate::db::models::*;
use crate::db::DbConn;
use crate::mail;
use rocket::request::{self, FromRequest, Request};
use rocket::http::{Cookie, Cookies};
use rocket::request::{self, FlashMessage, Form, FromRequest, Request};
use rocket::response::{content::Html, Flash, Redirect};
use rocket::{Outcome, Route};
use crate::api::{JsonResult, JsonUpcase};
use crate::auth::{decode_admin, encode_jwt, generate_admin_claims, ClientIp};
use crate::db::{models::*, DbConn};
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::mail;
use crate::CONFIG;
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
routes![get_users, invite_user, delete_user]
if CONFIG.admin_token.is_none() {
return Vec::new();
routes![admin_login, post_admin_login, admin_page, invite_user, delete_user]
struct LoginForm {
token: String,
const COOKIE_NAME: &'static str = "BWRS_ADMIN";
const ADMIN_PATH: &'static str = "/admin";
#[get("/", rank = 2)]
fn admin_login(flash: Option<FlashMessage>) -> Result<Html<String>, Error> {
// If there is an error, show it
let msg = flash
.map(|msg| format!("{}: {}",, msg.msg()))
let error = json!({ "error": msg });
// Return the page
let text = CONFIG.templates.render("admin/admin_login", &error)?;
#[post("/", data = "<data>")]
fn post_admin_login(data: Form<LoginForm>, mut cookies: Cookies, ip: ClientIp) -> Result<Redirect, Flash<Redirect>> {
let data = data.into_inner();
if !_validate_token(&data.token) {
error!("Invalid admin token. IP: {}", ip.ip);
"Invalid admin token, please try again.",
} else {
// If the token received is valid, generate JWT and save it as a cookie
let claims = generate_admin_claims();
let jwt = encode_jwt(&claims);
let cookie = Cookie::build(COOKIE_NAME, jwt)
fn _validate_token(token: &str) -> bool {
match CONFIG.admin_token.as_ref() {
None => false,
Some(t) => t == token,
struct AdminTemplateData {
users: Vec<Value>,
#[get("/", rank = 1)]
fn admin_page(_token: AdminToken, conn: DbConn) -> Result<Html<String>, Error> {
let users = User::get_all(&conn);
let users_json: Vec<Value> = users.iter().map(|u| u.to_json(&conn)).collect();
let data = AdminTemplateData { users: users_json };
let text = CONFIG.templates.render("admin/admin_page", &data)?;
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
@ -21,14 +96,6 @@ struct InviteData {
Email: String,
fn get_users(_token: AdminToken, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let users = User::get_all(&conn);
let users_json: Vec<Value> = users.iter().map(|u| u.to_json(&conn)).collect();
#[post("/invite", data = "<data>")]
fn invite_user(data: JsonUpcase<InviteData>, _token: AdminToken, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let data: InviteData = data.into_inner().data;
@ -71,35 +138,23 @@ impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for AdminToken {
type Error = &'static str;
fn from_request(request: &'a Request<'r>) -> request::Outcome<Self, Self::Error> {
let config_token = match CONFIG.admin_token.as_ref() {
Some(token) => token,
None => err_handler!("Admin panel is disabled"),
let mut cookies = request.cookies();
let access_token = match cookies.get(COOKIE_NAME) {
Some(cookie) => cookie.value(),
None => return Outcome::Forward(()), // If there is no cookie, redirect to login
// Get access_token
let access_token: &str = match request.headers().get_one("Authorization") {
Some(a) => match a.rsplit("Bearer ").next() {
Some(split) => split,
None => err_handler!("No access token provided"),
None => err_handler!("No access token provided"),
// TODO: What authentication to use?
// Option 1: Make it a config option
// Option 2: Generate random token, and
// Option 2a: Send it to admin email, like upstream
// Option 2b: Print in console or save to data dir, so admin can check
use crate::auth::ClientIp;
let ip = match request.guard::<ClientIp>() {
Outcome::Success(ip) => ip,
Outcome::Success(ip) => ip.ip,
_ => err_handler!("Error getting Client IP"),
if access_token != config_token {
err_handler!("Invalid admin token", format!("IP: {}.", ip.ip))
if decode_admin(access_token).is_err() {
// Remove admin cookie
error!("Invalid or expired admin JWT. IP: {}.", ip);
return Outcome::Forward(());
Outcome::Success(AdminToken {})
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use crate::db::models::*;
use crate::db::DbConn;
use crate::api::{EmptyResult, JsonResult, JsonUpcase, Notify, NumberOrString, PasswordData, UpdateType};
use crate::auth::{decode_invite_jwt, Headers, InviteJWTClaims};
use crate::auth::{decode_invite, Headers};
use crate::mail;
use crate::CONFIG;
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ fn register(data: JsonUpcase<RegisterData>, conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
if let Some(token) = data.Token {
let claims: InviteJWTClaims = decode_invite_jwt(&token)?;
let claims = decode_invite(&token)?;
if == data.Email {
} else {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use crate::db::DbConn;
use crate::CONFIG;
use crate::api::{EmptyResult, JsonResult, JsonUpcase, Notify, NumberOrString, PasswordData, UpdateType};
use crate::auth::{decode_invite_jwt, AdminHeaders, Headers, InviteJWTClaims, OwnerHeaders};
use crate::auth::{decode_invite, AdminHeaders, Headers, OwnerHeaders};
use crate::mail;
@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ fn accept_invite(_org_id: String, _org_user_id: String, data: JsonUpcase<AcceptD
// The web-vault passes org_id and org_user_id in the URL, but we are just reading them from the JWT instead
let data: AcceptData = data.into_inner().data;
let token = &data.Token;
let claims: InviteJWTClaims = decode_invite_jwt(&token)?;
let claims = decode_invite(&token)?;
match User::find_by_mail(&, &conn) {
Some(_) => {
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ impl Handler for WSHandler {
// Validate the user
use crate::auth;
let claims = match auth::decode_jwt(access_token) {
let claims = match auth::decode_login(access_token) {
Ok(claims) => claims,
Err(_) => return Err(ws::Error::new(ws::ErrorKind::Internal, "Invalid access token provided")),
@ -2,18 +2,18 @@ use std::io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use rocket::http::ContentType;
use rocket::request::Request;
use rocket::response::content::Content;
use rocket::response::{self, NamedFile, Responder};
use rocket::response::NamedFile;
use rocket::Route;
use rocket_contrib::json::Json;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::CONFIG;
use crate::util::Cached;
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
if CONFIG.web_vault_enabled {
routes![web_index, app_id, web_files, admin_page, attachments, alive]
routes![web_index, app_id, web_files, attachments, alive]
} else {
routes![attachments, alive]
@ -43,52 +43,11 @@ fn app_id() -> Cached<Content<Json<Value>>> {
const ADMIN_PAGE: &'static str = include_str!("../static/admin.html");
use rocket::response::content::Html;
fn admin_page() -> Cached<Html<&'static str>> {
/* // Use this during Admin page development
fn admin_page() -> Cached<io::Result<NamedFile>> {
#[get("/<p..>", rank = 1)] // Only match this if the other routes don't match
#[get("/<p..>", rank = 10)] // Only match this if the other routes don't match
fn web_files(p: PathBuf) -> Cached<io::Result<NamedFile>> {
struct Cached<R>(R, &'static str);
impl<R> Cached<R> {
fn long(r: R) -> Cached<R> {
// 7 days
Cached(r, "public, max-age=604800")
fn short(r: R) -> Cached<R> {
// 10 minutes
Cached(r, "public, max-age=600")
impl<'r, R: Responder<'r>> Responder<'r> for Cached<R> {
fn respond_to(self, req: &Request) -> response::Result<'r> {
match self.0.respond_to(req) {
Ok(mut res) => {
res.set_raw_header("Cache-Control", self.1);
e @ Err(_) => e,
fn attachments(uuid: String, file: PathBuf) -> io::Result<NamedFile> {
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use crate::util::read_file;
use chrono::{Duration, Utc};
use jsonwebtoken::{self, Algorithm, Header};
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::ser::Serialize;
use crate::error::{Error, MapResult};
@ -14,8 +15,10 @@ const JWT_ALGORITHM: Algorithm = Algorithm::RS256;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref DEFAULT_VALIDITY: Duration = Duration::hours(2);
pub static ref JWT_ISSUER: String = CONFIG.domain.clone();
static ref JWT_HEADER: Header = Header::new(JWT_ALGORITHM);
pub static ref JWT_LOGIN_ISSUER: String = format!("{}|login", CONFIG.domain);
pub static ref JWT_INVITE_ISSUER: String = format!("{}|invite", CONFIG.domain);
pub static ref JWT_ADMIN_ISSUER: String = format!("{}|admin", CONFIG.domain);
static ref PRIVATE_RSA_KEY: Vec<u8> = match read_file(&CONFIG.private_rsa_key) {
Ok(key) => key,
Err(e) => panic!(
@ -39,14 +42,14 @@ pub fn encode_jwt<T: Serialize>(claims: &T) -> String {
pub fn decode_jwt(token: &str) -> Result<JWTClaims, Error> {
fn decode_jwt<T: DeserializeOwned>(token: &str, issuer: String) -> Result<T, Error> {
let validation = jsonwebtoken::Validation {
leeway: 30, // 30 seconds
validate_exp: true,
validate_iat: false, // IssuedAt is the same as NotBefore
validate_nbf: true,
aud: None,
iss: Some(JWT_ISSUER.clone()),
iss: Some(issuer),
sub: None,
algorithms: vec![JWT_ALGORITHM],
@ -55,30 +58,23 @@ pub fn decode_jwt(token: &str) -> Result<JWTClaims, Error> {
jsonwebtoken::decode(&token, &PUBLIC_RSA_KEY, &validation)
.map_res("Error decoding login JWT")
.map_res("Error decoding JWT")
pub fn decode_invite_jwt(token: &str) -> Result<InviteJWTClaims, Error> {
let validation = jsonwebtoken::Validation {
leeway: 30, // 30 seconds
validate_exp: true,
validate_iat: false, // IssuedAt is the same as NotBefore
validate_nbf: true,
aud: None,
iss: Some(JWT_ISSUER.clone()),
sub: None,
algorithms: vec![JWT_ALGORITHM],
pub fn decode_login(token: &str) -> Result<LoginJWTClaims, Error> {
decode_jwt(token, JWT_LOGIN_ISSUER.to_string())
let token = token.replace(char::is_whitespace, "");
pub fn decode_invite(token: &str) -> Result<InviteJWTClaims, Error> {
decode_jwt(token, JWT_INVITE_ISSUER.to_string())
jsonwebtoken::decode(&token, &PUBLIC_RSA_KEY, &validation)
.map_res("Error decoding invite JWT")
pub fn decode_admin(token: &str) -> Result<AdminJWTClaims, Error> {
decode_jwt(token, JWT_ADMIN_ISSUER.to_string())
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct JWTClaims {
pub struct LoginJWTClaims {
// Not before
pub nbf: i64,
// Expiration time
@ -125,17 +121,18 @@ pub struct InviteJWTClaims {
pub invited_by_email: Option<String>,
pub fn generate_invite_claims(uuid: String,
email: String,
org_id: Option<String>,
org_user_id: Option<String>,
invited_by_email: Option<String>,
pub fn generate_invite_claims(
uuid: String,
email: String,
org_id: Option<String>,
org_user_id: Option<String>,
invited_by_email: Option<String>,
) -> InviteJWTClaims {
let time_now = Utc::now().naive_utc();
InviteJWTClaims {
nbf: time_now.timestamp(),
exp: (time_now + Duration::days(5)).timestamp(),
iss: JWT_ISSUER.to_string(),
iss: JWT_INVITE_ISSUER.to_string(),
sub: uuid.clone(),
email: email.clone(),
org_id: org_id.clone(),
@ -144,6 +141,28 @@ pub fn generate_invite_claims(uuid: String,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct AdminJWTClaims {
// Not before
pub nbf: i64,
// Expiration time
pub exp: i64,
// Issuer
pub iss: String,
// Subject
pub sub: String,
pub fn generate_admin_claims() -> AdminJWTClaims {
let time_now = Utc::now().naive_utc();
AdminJWTClaims {
nbf: time_now.timestamp(),
exp: (time_now + Duration::minutes(20)).timestamp(),
iss: JWT_ADMIN_ISSUER.to_string(),
sub: "admin_panel".to_string(),
// Bearer token authentication
@ -203,7 +222,7 @@ impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for Headers {
// Check JWT token is valid and get device and user from it
let claims: JWTClaims = match decode_jwt(access_token) {
let claims = match decode_login(access_token) {
Ok(claims) => claims,
Err(_) => err_handler!("Invalid claim"),
@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ impl Device {
// Create the JWT claims struct, to send to the client
use crate::auth::{encode_jwt, JWTClaims, DEFAULT_VALIDITY, JWT_ISSUER};
let claims = JWTClaims {
use crate::auth::{encode_jwt, LoginJWTClaims, DEFAULT_VALIDITY, JWT_LOGIN_ISSUER};
let claims = LoginJWTClaims {
nbf: time_now.timestamp(),
exp: (time_now + *DEFAULT_VALIDITY).timestamp(),
iss: JWT_ISSUER.to_string(),
iss: JWT_LOGIN_ISSUER.to_string(),
sub: user.uuid.to_string(),
premium: true,
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ fn init_logging() -> Result<(), fern::InitError> {
.level_for("hyper", log::LevelFilter::Warn)
.level_for("rustls", log::LevelFilter::Warn)
.level_for("handlebars", log::LevelFilter::Warn)
.level_for("ws", log::LevelFilter::Info)
.level_for("multipart", log::LevelFilter::Info)
@ -338,19 +339,22 @@ fn load_templates(path: String) -> Handlebars {
macro_rules! reg {
($name:expr) => {
($name:expr) => {{
let template = include_str!(concat!("static/templates/", $name, ".hbs"));
hb.register_template_string($name, template).unwrap();
// First register default templates here (use include_str?)
// First register default templates here
// And then load user templates to overwrite the defaults
// Use .hbs extension for the files
// Templates get registered with their relative name
@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="author" content="">
<title>Bitwarden_rs Admin Panel</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""
integrity="sha256-eSi1q2PG6J7g7ib17yAaWMcrr5GrtohYChqibrV7PBE=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<script src="" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8="
<script src="" integrity="sha256-tCQ/BldMlN2vWe5gAiNoNb5svoOgVUhlUgv7UjONKKQ="
<script src="" integrity="sha256-nYoL3nK/HA1e1pJvLwNPnpKuKG9q89VFX862r5aohmA="
body { padding-top: 70px; }
img { width: 48px; height: 48px; }
let key = null;
function identicon(email) {
const data = new Identicon(md5(email), {
size: 48, format: 'svg'
return "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + data;
function setVis(elem, vis) {
if (vis) { $(elem).removeClass('d-none'); }
else { $(elem).addClass('d-none'); }
function updateVis() {
setVis("#no-key-form", !key);
setVis("#users-block", key);
setVis("#invite-form-block", key);
function setKey() {
key = $('#key').val() || window.location.hash.slice(1);
if (key) { loadUsers(); }
return false;
function resetKey() {
key = null;
function fillRow(data) {
for (i in data) {
const user = data[i];
const row = $("#tmp-row").clone();
row.attr("id", "user-row:" + user.Id);
row.find(".tmp-icon").attr("src", identicon(user.Email))
row.find(".tmp-del").on("click", function (e) {
var name = prompt("To delete user '" + user.Name + "', please type the name below")
if (name) {
if (name == user.Name) {
} else {
alert("Wrong name, please try again")
return false;
setVis(row, true);
function _headers() { return { "Authorization": "Bearer " + key }; }
function loadUsers() {
$.get({ url: "/admin/users", headers: _headers() })
return false;
function _post(url, successMsg, errMsg, resetOnErr, data) {
$.post({ url: url, headers: _headers(), data: data })
.done(function () {
}).fail(function (e) {
const r = e.responseJSON;
const msg = r ? r.ErrorModel.Message : "Unknown error";
alert(errMsg + ": " + msg);
if (resetOnErr) { resetKey(); }
function deleteUser(id) {
_post("/admin/users/" + id + "/delete",
"User deleted correctly",
"Error deleting user", true);
function inviteUser() {
inv = $("#email-invite");
data = JSON.stringify({ "Email": inv.val() });
_post("/admin/invite/", "User invited correctly",
"Error inviting user", false, data);
return false;
$(window).on('load', function () {
<body class="bg-light">
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-dark bg-dark fixed-top shadow">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Bitwarden_rs</a>
<div class="navbar-collapse">
<ul class="navbar-nav">
<li class="nav-item active">
<a class="nav-link" href="/admin">Admin Panel</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="/">Vault</a>
<main class="container">
<div id="no-key-form" class="d-none align-items-center p-3 mb-3 text-white-50 bg-danger rounded shadow">
<h6 class="mb-0 text-white">Authentication key needed to continue</h6>
<small>Please provide it below:</small>
<form class="form-inline" id="key-form">
<input type="password" class="form-control w-50 mr-2" id="key" placeholder="Enter admin key">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Save</button>
<div id="users-block" class="d-none my-3 p-3 bg-white rounded shadow">
<h6 class="border-bottom pb-2 mb-0">Registered Users</h6>
<div id="users-list"></div>
<small class="d-block text-right mt-3">
<a id="reload-btn" href="#">Reload users</a>
<div id="invite-form-block" class="d-none align-items-center p-3 mb-3 text-white-50 bg-secondary rounded shadow">
<h6 class="mb-0 text-white">Invite User</h6>
<form class="form-inline" id="invite-form">
<input type="email" class="form-control w-50 mr-2" id="email-invite" placeholder="Enter email">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Invite</button>
<div id="tmp-row" class="d-none media pt-3">
<img class="mr-2 rounded tmp-icon">
<div class="media-body pb-3 mb-0 small border-bottom">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
<strong class="tmp-name">Full Name</strong>
<a class="tmp-del mr-3" href="#">Delete User</a>
<span class="d-block tmp-mail">Email</span>
Normale Datei
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<title>Bitwarden_rs Admin Panel</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-azvvU9xKluwHFJ0Cpgtf0CYzK7zgtOznnzxV4924X1w=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<script src="" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
body { padding-top: 70px; }
<body class="bg-light">
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-dark bg-dark fixed-top shadow">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Bitwarden_rs</a>
<div class="navbar-collapse">
<ul class="navbar-nav">
<li class="nav-item active">
<a class="nav-link" href="/admin">Admin Panel</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="/">Vault</a>
<main class="container">
{{#if error}}
<div class="align-items-center p-3 mb-3 text-white-50 bg-warning rounded shadow">
<h6 class="mb-0 text-white">{{error}}</h6>
<div class="align-items-center p-3 mb-3 text-white-50 bg-danger rounded shadow">
<h6 class="mb-0 text-white">Authentication key needed to continue</h6>
<small>Please provide it below:</small>
<form class="form-inline" method="post">
<input type="password" class="form-control w-50 mr-2" name="token" placeholder="Enter admin token">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Save</button>
Normale Datei
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<title>Bitwarden_rs Admin Panel</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""
integrity="sha256-azvvU9xKluwHFJ0Cpgtf0CYzK7zgtOznnzxV4924X1w=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<script src="" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8="
<script src="" integrity="sha256-tCQ/BldMlN2vWe5gAiNoNb5svoOgVUhlUgv7UjONKKQ="
<script src="" integrity="sha256-nYoL3nK/HA1e1pJvLwNPnpKuKG9q89VFX862r5aohmA="
body { padding-top: 70px; }
img { width: 48px; height: 48px; }
function reload() { window.location.reload(); }
function identicon(email) {
const data = new Identicon(md5(email), { size: 48, format: 'svg' });
return "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + data.toString();
function _post(url, successMsg, errMsg, data) {
$.post({ url: url, data: data })
.done(function () {
}).fail(function (e) {
const r = e.responseJSON;
const msg = r ? r.ErrorModel.Message : "Unknown error";
alert(errMsg + ": " + msg);
function deleteUser(id, mail) {
var input_mail = prompt("To delete user '" + mail + "', please type the name below")
if (input_mail) {
if (input_mail == mail) {
_post("/admin/users/" + id + "/delete",
"User deleted correctly",
"Error deleting user");
} else {
alert("Wrong email, please try again")
function inviteUser() {
inv = $("#email-invite");
data = JSON.stringify({ "Email": inv.val() });
_post("/admin/invite/", "User invited correctly",
"Error inviting user", data);
$(window).on('load', function () {
$("img.identicon").each(function (i, e) {
e.src = identicon(e.dataset.src);
<body class="bg-light">
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-dark bg-dark fixed-top shadow">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Bitwarden_rs</a>
<div class="navbar-collapse">
<ul class="navbar-nav">
<li class="nav-item active">
<a class="nav-link" href="/admin">Admin Panel</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="/">Vault</a>
<main class="container">
<div id="users-block" class="my-3 p-3 bg-white rounded shadow">
<h6 class="border-bottom pb-2 mb-0">Registered Users</h6>
<div id="users-list">
{{#each users}}
<div class="media pt-3">
{{!-- row.find(".tmp-icon").attr("src", identicon(user.Email)) --}}
<img class="mr-2 rounded identicon" data-src="{{Email}}">
<div class="media-body pb-3 mb-0 small border-bottom">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
<a class="tmp-del mr-3" href="" onclick='deleteUser("{{Id}}", "{{Email}}");'>Delete User</a>
<span class="d-block">{{Email}}</span>
<small class="d-block text-right mt-3">
<a id="reload-btn" href="">Reload users</a>
<div id="invite-form-block" class="align-items-center p-3 mb-3 text-white-50 bg-secondary rounded shadow">
<h6 class="mb-0 text-white">Invite User</h6>
<form class="form-inline" id="invite-form">
<input type="email" class="form-control w-50 mr-2" id="email-invite" placeholder="Enter email">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Invite</button>
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
// Web Headers
// Web Headers and caching
use rocket::fairing::{Fairing, Info, Kind};
use rocket::{Request, Response};
use rocket::response::{self, Responder};
pub struct AppHeaders();
@ -30,6 +31,32 @@ impl Fairing for AppHeaders {
pub struct Cached<R>(R, &'static str);
impl<R> Cached<R> {
pub fn long(r: R) -> Cached<R> {
// 7 days
Cached(r, "public, max-age=604800")
pub fn short(r: R) -> Cached<R> {
// 10 minutes
Cached(r, "public, max-age=600")
impl<'r, R: Responder<'r>> Responder<'r> for Cached<R> {
fn respond_to(self, req: &Request) -> response::Result<'r> {
match self.0.respond_to(req) {
Ok(mut res) => {
res.set_raw_header("Cache-Control", self.1);
e @ Err(_) => e,
// File handling
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