zh-CN: admin: wizard: submission: no_user: "deleted (user_id: %{user_id})" wizard: custom_title: "Wizard" custom_field: error: required_attribute: "'%{attr}' is a required attribute" unsupported_class: "'%{class}' is not a supported class" unsupported_serializers: "'%{serializers}' are not supported serializers for '%{class}'" unsupported_type: "%{type} is not a supported custom field type" name_invalid: "'%{name}' is not a valid custom field name" name_too_short: "'%{name}' is too short for a custom field name (min length is #{min_length})" name_already_taken: "'%{name}' is already taken as a custom field name" save_default: "保存自定义字段“%{name}”失败" subscription_type: "%{type} custom fields require a subscription" field: too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters" too_long: "%{label} must not be more than %{max} characters" required: "%{label} is required." not_url: "%{label} must be a valid url" invalid_file: "%{label} must be a %{types}" invalid_date: "Invalid date" invalid_time: "Invalid time" none: "We couldn't find a wizard at that address." no_skip: "Wizard can't be skipped" export: error: select_one: "请选择至少一个有效向导" invalid_wizards: "No valid wizards selected" import: error: no_file: "未选中任何文件" file_large: "文件过大" invalid_json: "文件不是一个有效的 json 文件" destroy: error: no_template: 没有找到模板 default: 销毁向导时出错 validation: required: "%{property} is required" conflict: "Id 为 %{wizard_id} 的向导已存在" after_signup: "您只能有一个“注册即导向”型的向导。Id为 %{wizard_id} 的向导已启用该特性。" after_signup_after_time: "You can't use 'after time' and 'after signup' on the same wizard." after_time: "After time setting is invalid." after_time_group: "After time group does not exist: %{group_name}" liquid_syntax_error: "Liquid syntax error in %{attribute}: %{message}" subscription: "%{type} %{property} usage is not supported on your subscription" not_permitted_for_guests: "%{object_id} is not permitted when guests can access the wizard" error_messages: wizard_replacing_composer: "Category not allowed for topic creation." site_settings: custom_wizard_enabled: "启用自定义向导。" wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects." wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview" wizard_apis_enabled: "Enable API features (experimental)." wizard_critical_notices_on_dashboard: "Show critical notices about the custom wizard plugin on the admin dashboard."