en: admin: wizard: submissions: no_user: "deleted (id: %{id})" wizard: custom_title: "Wizard" field: too_short: "%{label} must be at least %{min} characters" none: "We couldn't find a wizard at that address." no_skip: "Wizard can't be skipped" export: error: select_one: "Please select atleast one wizard" import: error: no_file: "No file selected" file_large: "File too large" invalid_json: "File is not a valid json file" no_valid_wizards: "File doesn't contain any valid wizards" site_settings: wizard_redirect_exclude_paths: "Routes excluded from wizard redirects." wizard_recognised_image_upload_formats: "File types which will result in upload displaying an image preview" wizard_national_flags_label_cue: "The characters that must appear in the dropdown field label for it to show a flag"