import { acceptance, query } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; import { test } from "qunit"; import { click, findAll, visit } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import selectKit from "discourse/tests/helpers/select-kit-helper"; import { getAnotherWizardSubmission, getUnsubscribedAdminWizards, getWizard, getWizardSubmissions, } from "../helpers/admin-wizard"; acceptance("Admin | Submissions", function (needs) { needs.user(); needs.settings({ custom_wizard_enabled: true, available_locales: JSON.stringify([{ name: "English", value: "en" }]), }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { server.get("/admin/wizards/submissions", () => { return helper.response([ { id: "this_is_testing_wizard", name: "This is testing wizard" }, { id: "another_wizard", name: "another wizard" }, ]); }); server.get("/admin/wizards/submissions/this_is_testing_wizard", () => { return helper.response(getWizardSubmissions); }); server.get("/admin/wizards/submissions/another_wizard", () => { return helper.response(getAnotherWizardSubmission); }); server.get("/admin/wizards", () => { return helper.response(getUnsubscribedAdminWizards); }); server.get("/admin/wizards/wizard", () => { return helper.response(getWizard); }); }); test("View submissions fields tab and content", async (assert) => { await visit("/admin/wizards/submissions"); const wizards = selectKit(".select-kit"); assert.ok( query(".message-content").innerText.includes( "Select a wizard to see its submissions" ), "it displays submissions message" ); assert.ok( query(".message-content").innerText.includes("Select a wizard"), "it displays list of wizards" ); await wizards.expand(); await wizards.selectRowByValue("this_is_testing_wizard"); assert.ok( query(".message-content").innerText.includes( "You're viewing the submissions of the This is testing wizard" ), "it displays submissions for a selected wizard" ); const submissions = getWizardSubmissions.submissions; // Get submissions data from your JSON file const rows = findAll("table tbody tr"); for (let i = 0; i < submissions.length; i++) { const dateCell = rows[i].querySelector("td:nth-child(1)"); const userCell = rows[i].querySelector("td:nth-child(2)"); const stepCell = rows[i].querySelector("td:nth-child(3)"); const expectedDate = moment(submissions[i].submitted_at).format( "MMM D, YYYY h:mm a" ); assert.equal( dateCell.innerText, expectedDate, `Date is displayed correctly for submission ${i + 1}` ); assert.equal( userCell.innerText.trim(), submissions[i].user.username, `User is displayed correctly for submission ${i + 1}` ); assert.equal( stepCell.innerText.trim().split("\n")[0], submissions[i].fields.step_1_field_1.value, `Step is displayed correctly for submission ${i + 1}` ); } assert.ok( findAll("table tbody tr").length >= 1, "Displays submissions list" ); await wizards.expand(); await click('[data-name="Select a wizard"]'); const wizardContainerDiv = find(".admin-wizard-container"); assert.ok(wizardContainerDiv.children().length === 0, "the div is empty"); }); test("View submissions tab for another wizard with more steps", async (assert) => { await visit("/admin/wizards/submissions"); const wizards = selectKit(".select-kit"); await wizards.expand(); await wizards.selectRowByValue("another_wizard"); assert.ok( query(".message-content").innerText.includes( "You're viewing the submissions of the another wizard" ), "it displays submissions for another wizard" ); const submissions = getAnotherWizardSubmission.submissions; // Get submissions data from your JSON file const rows = findAll("table tbody tr"); for (let i = 0; i < submissions.length; i++) { const dateCell = rows[i].querySelector("td:nth-child(1)"); const userCell = rows[i].querySelector("td:nth-child(2)"); const step1Cell = rows[i].querySelector("td:nth-child(3)"); const step2Cell = rows[i].querySelector("td:nth-child(4)"); const submission = submissions[i]; const expectedDate = moment(submission.submitted_at).format( "MMM D, YYYY h:mm a" ); assert.equal( dateCell.innerText, expectedDate, `Date is displayed correctly for submission ${i + 1}` ); assert.equal( userCell.innerText.trim(), submissions[i].user.username, `User is displayed correctly for submission ${i + 1}` ); assert.equal( step1Cell.innerText.trim().split("\n")[0], submissions[i].fields.step_1_field_1.value, `Step 1 is displayed correctly for submission ${i + 1}` ); assert.equal( step2Cell.innerText.trim().split("\n")[0], submissions[i].fields.step_2_field_1.value, `Step 2 is displayed correctly for submission ${i + 1}` ); } assert.ok( findAll("table tbody tr").length >= 1, "Displays submissions list for another wizard" ); }); test("Modal actions for submissions", async (assert) => { await visit("/admin/wizards/submissions"); const wizards = await selectKit(".select-kit"); await wizards.expand(); await wizards.selectRowByValue("this_is_testing_wizard"); await click(".open-edit-columns-btn"); assert.dom(".modal-inner-container").exists("Modal is displayed"); const userCheckbox = find( ".edit-directory-columns-container .edit-directory-column:nth-child(2) .left-content .column-name input" ); assert.ok(userCheckbox, "User checkbox is present"); assert.ok(userCheckbox[0].checked, "User checkbox is checked by default"); await click(userCheckbox[0]); assert.notOk( userCheckbox[0].checked, "User checkbox is unchecked after clicking" ); await click(".modal-footer .btn-primary"); assert .dom("table thead th") .doesNotIncludeText("User", "User column is not displayed"); await click(".open-edit-columns-btn"); const submittedAtCheckbox = find( ".edit-directory-columns-container .edit-directory-column:nth-child(1) .left-content .column-name input" ); assert.ok(submittedAtCheckbox, "Submitted At checkbox is present"); assert.ok( submittedAtCheckbox[0].checked, "Submitted At checkbox is checked by default" ); await click(submittedAtCheckbox[0]); await click(".modal-footer .btn-primary"); assert.notOk( submittedAtCheckbox[0].checked, "Submitted At checkbox is unchecked after clicking" ); assert .dom("table thead th") .doesNotIncludeText( "Submitted At", "Submitted At column is not displayed" ); await click(".open-edit-columns-btn"); await click(".modal-footer .btn-secondary"); assert .dom("table thead th:nth-child(1)") .hasText("Submitted At", "Submitted At column is displayed after reset"); assert .dom("table thead th:nth-child(2)") .hasText("User", "User column is displayed after reset"); }); test("Download submissions", async (assert) => { await visit("/admin/wizards/submissions"); const wizards = await selectKit(".select-kit"); await wizards.expand(); await wizards.selectRowByValue("this_is_testing_wizard"); const downloadLinks = findAll(".download-link"); assert.ok(downloadLinks.length > 1, "Download links are present"); const downloadLink = downloadLinks[1]; await click(downloadLink); const expectedURL = "/admin/wizards/submissions/this_is_testing_wizard/download"; const actualURL = new URL(downloadLink.href); assert.equal( actualURL.pathname, expectedURL, "Download link has correct URL" ); }); });