import { click, currentURL, fillIn, visit } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import $ from "jquery"; import { test } from "qunit"; import { acceptance, exists, query, queryAll, visible, } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; import selectKit from "discourse/tests/helpers/select-kit-helper"; import { getAdminTestingWizard, getCreatedWizard, getCustomFields, getSuppliers, getUniqueWizard, getUnsubscribedAdminWizards, getWizard, } from "../helpers/admin-wizard"; acceptance("Admin | Custom Wizard Unsubscribed", function (needs) { needs.user(); needs.settings({ custom_wizard_enabled: true, available_locales: JSON.stringify([{ name: "English", value: "en" }]), }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { server.get("/admin/wizards/wizard", () => { return helper.response(getWizard); }); server.get("/admin/wizards/custom-fields", () => { return helper.response(getCustomFields); }); server.get("/admin/wizards/subscription", () => { return helper.response(getUnsubscribedAdminWizards); }); server.get("/admin/wizards/api", () => { return helper.response({ success: "OK" }); }); server.get("/admin/config/user_fields", () => { return helper.response({ user_fields: [] }); }); server.get("/admin/wizards/wizard/this_is_testing_wizard", () => { return helper.response(getAdminTestingWizard); }); server.put("/admin/wizards/wizard/new_wizard_for_testing", () => { return helper.response({ success: "OK", wizard_id: "new_wizard_for_testing", }); }); server.get("/admin/wizards/wizard/new_wizard_for_testing", () => { return helper.response(getCreatedWizard); }); server.get("/admin/wizards/wizard/unique_wizard", () => { return helper.response(getUniqueWizard); }); server.get("/admin/plugins/subscription-client/suppliers", () => { return helper.response(getSuppliers); }); }); async function appendText(selector, text) { let element = document.querySelector(selector); if (element) { let currentValue = element.value; let newValue = currentValue + text; await fillIn(selector, newValue); } } test("Displaying all tabs except API", async (assert) => { await visit("/admin/wizards"); const list = queryAll(".admin-controls li"); const count = list.length; assert.equal(count, 5, "There should be 5 admin tabs"); }); test("shows unauthorized and unsubscribed", async (assert) => { await visit("/admin/wizards"); assert.ok( exists(".supplier-authorize .btn-primary"), "the authorize button is shown." ); assert.strictEqual( query("button.wizard-subscription-badge span").innerText.trim(), "Subscribe" ); }); test("creating a new wizard", async (assert) => { await visit("/admin/wizards/wizard"); await click(".admin-wizard-controls button"); assert.ok( query(".message-content").innerText.includes( "You're creating a new wizard" ), "it displays wizard creation message" ); const wizardTitle = "New wizard for testing"; await fillIn(".wizard-header input", wizardTitle); assert.equal( $(".wizard-header input").val(), wizardTitle, "The title input is inserted" ); const wizardLink = queryAll("div.wizard-url a"); assert.equal(wizardLink.length, 1, "Wizard link was created"); await click(".btn-after-time"); assert.ok( exists(".d-date-time-input .d-time-input"), "a time selector is shown" ); let timeText = query( ".d-date-time-input .d-time-input" ).innerText; const regex = /\d\d\:\d\d/; assert.ok(regex.test(timeText)); assert.equal( $.trim($("a[title='Subscribe to use these features']").text()), "Not Subscribed", "Show messsage and link of user not subscribed" ); assert.equal( queryAll(".wizard-subscription-container").length, 1, "Wizard subscription features are not accesible" ); await click(".step .link-list button"); const stepOneText = "step_1 (step_1)"; const stepOneBtn = queryAll(`.step button:contains(${stepOneText})`); assert.equal(stepOneBtn.length, 1, "Creating a step"); const stepTitle = "step title"; await fillIn(".wizard-custom-step input[name='title']", stepTitle); const stepButtonText = $.trim( $(".step div[data-id='step_1'] button").text() ); assert.ok( stepButtonText.includes(stepTitle), "The step button changes according to title" ); assert.equal( queryAll(".wizard-subscription-container").length, 2, "Steps subscription features are not accesible" ); await appendText( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor textarea", "Input in step description composer" ); await click(".wizard-custom-step .wizard-editor-gutter button:first-child"); assert.strictEqual( query( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor .d-editor-preview-wrapper p" ).textContent.trim(), "Input in step description composer" ); await appendText( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor textarea", "\n\n**Bold text**" ); let boldText = await query( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor .d-editor-preview-wrapper strong" ).innerHTML.trim(); assert.strictEqual( boldText, "Bold text", "The bold text in the preview wrapper should be 'Bold Text'" ); await appendText( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor textarea", "\n\n*emphasized text*" ); let empText = await query( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor .d-editor-preview-wrapper em" ).innerHTML.trim(); assert.strictEqual( empText, "emphasized text", "The emphasized text in the preview wrapper should be 'emphasized text'" ); await appendText( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor textarea", "\n\n> Blockqoute text" ); let blockquoteText = await query( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor .d-editor-preview-wrapper blockquote p" ).innerHTML.trim(); assert.strictEqual( blockquoteText, "Blockqoute text", "The emphasized text in the preview wrapper should be 'Blockqoute text'" ); await appendText( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor textarea", `\n\n\`\`\` \code text \n\`\`\`` ); let codeText = await query( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor .d-editor-preview-wrapper code" ).innerHTML.trim(); assert.strictEqual( codeText, "code text", "The emphasized text in the preview wrapper should be 'code text'" ); await appendText( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor textarea", `\n\n* List item\n* List item` ); let listItems = queryAll( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor .d-editor-preview-wrapper ul li" ); assert.strictEqual( listItems.length, 2, "There should be two list items in the unordered list in the preview wrapper" ); assert.strictEqual( listItems[0].textContent.trim(), "List item", "The first list item should be 'List item'" ); assert.strictEqual( listItems[1].textContent.trim(), "List item", "The second list item should be 'List item'" ); await appendText( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor textarea", `\n\n1. List item\n1. List item` ); let orderedListItems = queryAll( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor .d-editor-preview-wrapper ol li" ); assert.strictEqual( orderedListItems.length, 2, "There should be two list items in the ordered list in the preview wrapper" ); assert.strictEqual( orderedListItems[0].textContent.trim(), "List item", "The first list item should be 'List item'" ); assert.strictEqual( orderedListItems[1].textContent.trim(), "List item", "The second list item should be 'List item'" ); await appendText( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor textarea", `\n\n` ); await click( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor .d-editor" ); assert.ok( exists(".d-modal.insert-hyperlink-modal"), "hyperlink modal visible" ); await fillIn(".d-modal__body.insert-link .inputs .link-url", ""); await fillIn(".d-modal__body.insert-link .inputs .link-text", "Google"); await click(".d-modal__footer button.btn-primary"); let urlText = await query( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor .d-editor-preview-wrapper a" ).innerHTML.trim(); assert.strictEqual( urlText, "Google", "The link text in the preview wrapper should be 'Google'" ); await click( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor .d-editor button.local-dates" ); assert.ok( exists(".d-modal.discourse-local-dates-create-modal"), "Insert date-time modal visible" ); assert.ok( !exists( ".discourse-local-dates-create-modal .d-modal__body .advanced-options" ), "Advanced mode not visible" ); await click(".d-modal__footer button.advanced-mode-btn"); assert.ok( exists( ".discourse-local-dates-create-modal .d-modal__body .advanced-options" ), "Advanced mode is visible" ); await click(".d-modal__footer button.btn-primary"); assert.ok( exists( ".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor .d-editor-preview-wrapper span.discourse-local-date" ), "Date inserted" ); await click(".field .link-list button"); assert.ok( !visible(".wizard-custom-field button.undo-changes"), "clear button is not rendered" ); const fieldOneText = "step_1_field_1 (step_1_field_1)"; const fieldOneBtn = queryAll(`.field button:contains(${fieldOneText})`); assert.equal(fieldOneBtn.length, 1, "Creating a field"); const fieldTitle = "field title"; await fillIn(".wizard-custom-field input[name='label']", fieldTitle); assert.ok( visible(".wizard-custom-field button.undo-changes"), "clear button is rendered after filling content" ); let fieldButtonText = $.trim( $(".field div[data-id='step_1_field_1'] button").text() ); assert.ok( fieldButtonText.includes(fieldTitle), "The step button changes according to title" ); await fillIn( ".wizard-custom-field textarea[name='description']", "First step field description" ); await click(`.wizard-custom-field button.undo-changes`); fieldButtonText = $(".field div[data-id='step_1_field_1'] button") .text() .trim(); assert.ok( fieldButtonText.includes("step_1_field_1 (step_1_field_1)"), "The field button changes to default title after clear button is clicked" ); await fillIn(".wizard-custom-field input[name='label']", fieldTitle); await fillIn( ".wizard-custom-field textarea[name='description']", "First step field description" ); const fieldTypeDropdown = selectKit( ".wizard-custom-field .setting-value .select-kit" ); await fieldTypeDropdown.expand(); await fieldTypeDropdown.selectRowByValue("text"); assert.ok( query(".wizard-custom-field .message-content").innerText.includes( "You're editing a field" ), "Text tipe for field correctly selected" ); assert.equal( queryAll(".wizard-subscription-container").length, 3, "Field subscription features are not accesible" ); await click(".action .link-list button"); const actionOneText = "action_1 (action_1)"; const actionOneBtn = queryAll(`.action button:contains(${actionOneText})`); assert.equal(actionOneBtn.length, 1, "Creating an action"); assert.ok( query( ".wizard-custom-action .wizard-message .message-content" ).innerText.includes("Select an action type"), "it displays wizard select action message" ); const actionTypeDropdown = selectKit( ".wizard-custom-action .setting-value .select-kit" ); await actionTypeDropdown.expand(); const listEnabled = queryAll( ".wizard-custom-action .setting .setting-value ul li:not(.disabled)" ); const listDisabled = queryAll( ".wizard-custom-action .setting .setting-value ul li.disabled" ); assert.ok( listDisabled.length === 7, "disabled items displayed correctly in action dropdown" ); assert.ok( listEnabled.length === 4, "Enabled items displayed correctly in action dropdown" ); await actionTypeDropdown.selectRowByValue("create_topic"); assert.ok( query(".wizard-custom-action .message-content").innerText.includes( "You're editing an action" ), "Create type action correctly selected" ); let listTopicSettings = queryAll( ".admin-wizard-container .wizard-custom-action .setting" ); assert.ok( listTopicSettings.length === 12, "Display all settings of create topic" ); await actionTypeDropdown.expand(); await actionTypeDropdown.selectRowByValue("open_composer"); listTopicSettings = queryAll( ".admin-wizard-container .wizard-custom-action .setting" ); assert.ok( listTopicSettings.length === 8, "Display all settings of open composer" ); await actionTypeDropdown.expand(); await actionTypeDropdown.selectRowByValue("update_profile"); listTopicSettings = queryAll( ".admin-wizard-container .wizard-custom-action .setting" ); assert.ok( listTopicSettings.length === 4, "Display all settings of update profile" ); await actionTypeDropdown.expand(); await actionTypeDropdown.selectRowByValue("route_to"); listTopicSettings = queryAll( ".admin-wizard-container .wizard-custom-action .setting" ); assert.ok( listTopicSettings.length === 4, "Display all settings of route to" ); await actionTypeDropdown.expand(); await click('[data-name="Select a type"]'); listTopicSettings = queryAll( ".admin-wizard-container .wizard-custom-action .setting" ); assert.ok( listTopicSettings.length === 2, "the settings options is empty when no action is selected" ); await actionTypeDropdown.expand(); await actionTypeDropdown.selectRowByValue("create_topic"); const fieldsContentIf = [4, 8]; for (let i = 0; i < fieldsContentIf.length; i++) { await click( `.admin-wizard-container .wizard-custom-action .setting:nth-of-type(${fieldsContentIf[i]}) button` ); let selectKitInsideThirdSetting = await selectKit( `.admin-wizard-container .wizard-custom-action .setting:nth-of-type(${fieldsContentIf[i]}) .select-kit` ); await selectKitInsideThirdSetting.expand(); await selectKitInsideThirdSetting.selectRowByIndex(1); await fillIn( `.admin-wizard-container .wizard-custom-action .setting:nth-of-type(${fieldsContentIf[i]}) .key input`, "Action title" ); await fillIn( `.admin-wizard-container .wizard-custom-action .setting:nth-of-type(${fieldsContentIf[i]}) .value input`, "Some value" ); await fillIn( `.admin-wizard-container .wizard-custom-action .setting:nth-of-type(${fieldsContentIf[i]}) .output input`, "Result text" ); const actualTitle = query( `.admin-wizard-container .wizard-custom-action .setting:nth-of-type(${fieldsContentIf[i]}) .key input` ).value; const actualValue = query( `.admin-wizard-container .wizard-custom-action .setting:nth-of-type(${fieldsContentIf[i]}) .value input` ).value; const actualResultText = query( `.admin-wizard-container .wizard-custom-action .setting:nth-of-type(${fieldsContentIf[i]}) .output input` ).value; assert.strictEqual(actualTitle, "Action title", "Title is correct"); assert.strictEqual(actualValue, "Some value", "Value is correct"); assert.strictEqual(actualResultText, "Result text", "Text is correct"); } assert.ok( !visible('.admin-wizard-buttons button:contains("Delete Wizard")'), "delete wizard button not displayed" ); await click(".admin-wizard-buttons button"); assert.equal( currentURL(), "/admin/wizards/wizard/new_wizard_for_testing", "Wizard saved successfully" ); assert.ok( visible('.admin-wizard-buttons button:contains("Delete Wizard")'), "delete wizard button visible" ); }); test("viewing content for a selected wizard", async (assert) => { await visit("/admin/wizards/wizard"); assert.ok( query(".message-content").innerText.includes( "Select a wizard, or create a new one" ), "it displays wizard message" ); const wizards = selectKit(".select-kit"); await wizards.expand(); await wizards.selectRowByValue("unique_wizard"); assert.ok( query(".message-content").innerText.includes("You're editing a wizard"), "it displays wizard message for a selected wizard" ); assert.equal( query(".admin-wizard-container .wizard-header input").value,, "The wizard name is correctly displayed" ); // Save wizard Submissions assert.equal( query(".wizard-settings .setting:nth-of-type(1) input").checked, getUniqueWizard.save_submissions, "The save submissions flag is correctly set" ); // Multiple Submissions assert.equal( query(".wizard-settings .setting:nth-of-type(2) input").checked, getUniqueWizard.multiple_submissions, "The multiple submissions flag is correctly set" ); // After Signup assert.equal( query(".wizard-settings .setting:nth-of-type(3) input").checked, getUniqueWizard.after_signup, "The after signup flag is correctly set" ); // Prompt Completion assert.equal( query(".wizard-settings .setting:nth-of-type(4) input").checked, getUniqueWizard.prompt_completion, "The prompt completion flag is correctly set" ); // step content for (let i = 0; i < getUniqueWizard.steps.length; i++) { // click on the step that is needed await click( `.wizard-links.step .link-list div:nth-of-type(${ i + 1 }) button.btn-text` ); assert.equal( query(".wizard-custom-step input[name='title']").value, getUniqueWizard.steps[i].title, "Step title is correct" ); assert.equal( query(".wizard-custom-step .wizard-text-editor textarea").value, getUniqueWizard.steps[i].description, "Step description is correct" ); // field content for (let j = 0; j < getUniqueWizard.steps[i].fields.length; j++) { await click( `.wizard-links.field .link-list div:nth-of-type(${ j + 1 }) button.btn-text` ); assert.equal( query(".wizard-custom-field.visible .setting:nth-of-type(1) input") .value, getUniqueWizard.steps[i].fields[j].label, "Field title is correct" ); assert.equal( query(".wizard-custom-field.visible .setting:nth-of-type(3) textarea") .value, getUniqueWizard.steps[i].fields[j].description, "Field description is correct" ); let selectTypeElement = document.querySelector( `.admin-wizard-container .wizard-custom-field.visible .setting:nth-of-type(5) .select-kit` ); let summaryElement = selectTypeElement.querySelector("summary"); assert.equal( summaryElement.getAttribute("data-value"), getUniqueWizard.steps[i].fields[j].type, "The correct data-value is selected" ); } } }); });