en: admin_js: admin: wizard: label: "Wizards" new: "New" custom_label: "Custom" submissions_label: "Submissions" name: "Name" name_placeholder: "name of the wizard" save_submissions: "Save" save_submissions_label: "Save wizard submissions" save: "Save Changes" remove: "Delete Wizard" header: "Wizard" add: "Add" url: "Url" step: header: "Steps" title: "Title" title_placeholder: "This will appear at the top of the step" banner: "Banner" banner_placeholder: "Image url" description: "Description" description_placeholder: "This will appear underneath the title and / or title" field: header: "Fields" label: "Label" description: "Description" type: "Type" choices_label: "Dropdown Choices" add_choice: "Add" required: "Required" required_label: "Field is Required" action: header: "Actions" label: "Label" type: "Type" send_message: label: "Send Message" title: "Title" post: "Post" recipient: "Recipient" create_topic: label: "Create Topic" title: "Title" post: "Post" category: "Category" update_profile: label: "Update Profile" field: "Profile Field" save_input: label: "Save Input"