zh-CN: js: wizard: complete_custom: "Complete the {{name}}" completed: "您已经完成了此向导。" not_permitted: "您没有权限访问此向导。" none: "There is no wizard here." return_to_site: "回到 {{siteName}}" requires_login: "您需要登录才能访问此向导。" reset: "Reset this wizard." step_not_permitted: "You're not permitted to view this step." incomplete_submission: title: "要从您于 %{date} 留下的填写记录继续吗?" resume: "继续上次填写" restart: "重新开始" x_characters: other: "已输入 %{count} 个字符" quit: "Exit" done_custom: "完成" back: "上一步" next: "下一步" step: "第 %{current}/%{total} 步" upload: "上传" uploading: "上传中..." upload_error: "抱歉,上传文件时出错。请重试。" wizard_composer: show_preview: "预览效果" hide_preview: "编辑" quote_post_title: "Quote whole post" bold_label: "B" bold_title: "粗体" bold_text: "粗体文本" italic_label: "I" italic_title: "强调" italic_text: "强调文本" link_title: "超链接" link_description: "enter link description here" link_dialog_title: "插入超链接" link_optional_text: "optional title" link_url_placeholder: "http://example.com" quote_title: "Blockquote" quote_text: "Blockquote" blockquote_text: "Blockquote" code_title: "Preformatted text" code_text: "indent preformatted text by 4 spaces" paste_code_text: "在此处输入或粘贴代码" upload_title: "上传文件" upload_description: "enter upload description here" olist_title: "编号列表" ulist_title: "Bulleted List" list_item: "列表项" toggle_direction: "Toggle Direction" help: "Markdown 编辑帮助" collapse: "收起编辑器" abandon: "关闭编辑器、丢弃草稿" modal_ok: "好的" modal_cancel: "取消" cant_send_pm: "抱歉,您无法给 %{username} 发消息。" yourself_confirm: title: "您是不是忘了添加接收人?" body: "Right now this message is only being sent to yourself!" realtime_validations: similar_topics: insufficient_characters: "输入至少 5 个字符来开始寻找相似主题" insufficient_characters_categories: "输入至少 5 个字符来开始在 %{catLinks} 中寻找相似主题" results: "您的主题类似于..." no_results: "没有相似主题。" loading: "正在寻找类似主题..." show: "显示" admin_js: admin: wizard: label: "向导" nav_label: "向导" select: "选择一个向导" create: "创建向导" name: "Name" name_placeholder: "wizard name" background: "背景" background_placeholder: "#hex 值" save_submissions: "Save" save_submissions_label: "Save wizard submissions." multiple_submissions: "多次提交" multiple_submissions_label: "允许用户多次提交" after_signup: "注册即引导" after_signup_label: "用户完成注册即引导至向导" after_time: "定时" after_time_label: "Users directed to wizard after start time:" after_time_time_label: "Start Time" after_time_modal: title: "Wizard Start Time" date: "日期" time: "时间" done: "Set Time" clear: "Clear" required: "Required" required_label: "用户不能跳过该向导" prompt_completion: "提示" prompt_completion_label: "提示用户完成向导" restart_on_revisit: "重新开始" restart_on_revisit_label: "Clear submissions on each visit." resume_on_revisit: "恢复" resume_on_revisit_label: "每次访问都询问用户是否想要恢复上次填写的进度" theme_id: "主题" no_theme: "选择一个主题 (可选)" save: "保存更改" remove: "删除向导" add: "添加" url: "Url" key: "Key" value: "值" profile: "个人资料" type: "类型" none: "Make a selection" submission_key: 'submission key' param_key: 'param' group: "Group" permitted: "Permitted" advanced: "高级设置" undo: "撤销" clear: "清除" select_type: "选择一个类型" condition: "条件" index: "Index" edit_columns: "Edit Columns" expand_text: "Read More" collapse_text: "Show Less" category_settings: custom_wizard: title: "自定义向导" create_topic_wizard: "Select a wizard to replace the new topic composer in this category." message: wizard: select: "选择或新建一个向导" edit: "您正在编辑一个向导" create: "您正在新建一个向导" documentation: "查阅向导配置文档" contact: "联系开发者" field: type: "选择字段类型" edit: "您正在编辑一个字段" documentation: "查阅字段配置文档" action: type: "选择动作类型" edit: "您正在编辑一个动作" documentation: "查阅动作配置文档" custom_fields: create: "查看/创建/编辑/销毁自定义字段" saved: "已保存的自定义字段" error: "Failed to save: {{messages}}" documentation: 查看自定义字段配置文档 manager: info: "导出、导入或销毁向导" documentation: 查阅管理器帮助文档 none_selected: 请选择至少一个向导 no_file: 请选择要导入的文件 file_size_error: 文件大小不得超过 512kb file_format_error: 文件必须为 .json 文件 importing: 正在导入向导... destroying: 正在销毁向导... import_complete: 导入完成 destroy_complete: 销毁完成 subscription: documentation: Check out the subscription documentation authorize: "Connect this forum to use your Custom Wizard subscription plan on %{server}." not_subscribed: "You've connected, but are not currently subscribed to a Custom Wizard plan on %{server}." subscription_expiring: "Your subscription is active, but will expire in the next 48 hours." subscription_active: "Your subscription is active." subscription_inactive: "Your subscription is inactive on this forum. Read more in the documentation." unauthorized: "You're not connected. If you have a subscription, it will become inactive in the next 48 hours." unauthorize_failed: Failed to disconnect. submissions: select: "Select a wizard to see its submissions" viewing: "You're viewing the submissions of the %{wizardName}" documentation: "Check out the submissions documentation" logs: select: "Select a wizard to see its logs" viewing: "View recent logs for wizards on the forum" documentation: "Check out the logs documentation" notices: info: "Plugin status and subscription notices" documentation: Check out the notices documentation editor: show: "显示" hide: "隐藏" preview: "{{action}} 预览" popover: "{{action}} Fields" input: conditional: name: 'if' output: 'then' assignment: name: 'set' association: name: 'map' validation: name: 'ensure' selector: label: text: "text" wizard_field: "向导字段" wizard_action: "向导动作" user_field: "用户字段" user_field_options: "user field options" user: "user" category: "category" topic: "topic" tag: "tag" group: "group" list: "list" custom_field: "自定义字段" value: "值" users: "users" guests: "users and guests" placeholder: text: "输入文本" property: "Select property" wizard_field: "选择字段" wizard_action: "选择动作" user_field: "选择字段" user_field_options: "选择字段" user: "选择用户" category: "Select category" topic: "Select a topic" tag: "选择标签" group: "选择群组" list: "Enter item" custom_field: "选择字段" value: "Select value" error: failed: "向导保存失败" required: "{{type}} requires {{property}}" invalid: "{{property}} is invalid" dependent: "{{property}} is dependent on {{dependent}}" conflict: "{{type}} with {{property}} '{{value}}' already exists" after_time: "After time invalid" step: header: "Steps" title: "Title" banner: "Banner" description: "描述" required_data: label: "Required Data" not_permitted_message: "Message shown when required data not present" permitted_params: label: "Permitted Params" force_final: label: "备选最终步骤" description: "Display this step as the final step if conditions on later steps have not passed when the user reaches this step." field: header: "字段" label: "标签" description: "描述" image: "插图" image_placeholder: "Image url" required: "必填" required_label: "必须填写该字段" min_length: "最短" min_length_placeholder: "最小字符数" max_length: "最大长度" max_length_placeholder: "Maximum length in characters" char_counter: "Counter" char_counter_placeholder: "显示字符计数" field_placeholder: "Placeholder" file_types: "文件类型" preview_template: "模板" limit: "Limit" property: "Property" prefill: "Prefill" content: "Content" tag_groups: "Tag Groups" can_create_tag: "Can Create Tag" category: label: "Category" none: "Limit to a category..." date_time_format: label: "Format" instructions: "Moment.js format" validations: header: "Validations" enabled: "Enabled" similar_topics: "Similar Topics" position: "Position" above: "Above" below: "Below" categories: "Categories" max_topic_age: "Max Topic Age" time_units: days: "天" weeks: "周" months: "月" years: "年" type: text: "文本" textarea: 文本域 composer: Composer composer_preview: Composer Preview text_only: Text Only number: 数字 checkbox: 勾选框 url: Url upload: 上传文件 dropdown: 下拉菜单 tag: 标签 category: 类别 topic: Topic group: 群組 user_selector: 用户选择器 date: 日期 time: 时间 date_time: 日期和时间 event: Event (Events Plugin) connector: and: "and" or: "or" then: "then" set: "set" equal: '=' not_equal: '!=' greater: '>' less: '<' greater_or_equal: '>=' less_or_equal: '<=' regex: '=~' association: '→' is: 'is' action: header: "动作" include: "Include Fields" title: "Title" post: "Post" topic_attr: "Topic Attribute" interpolate_fields: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user fields using field key in u{}." run_after: label: "在...后运行" wizard_completion: "完成向导" custom_fields: label: "Custom" key: "field" skip_redirect: label: "Redirect" description: "Don't redirect the user to this {{type}} after the wizard completes" suppress_notifications: label: "Suppress Notifications" description: "Suppress normal notifications triggered by post creation" send_message: label: "Send Message" recipient: "Recipient" create_topic: label: "Create Topic" category: "Category" tags: "Tags" visible: "Visible" add_event: "Add Event (Events Plugin)" add_location: "Add Location (Locations Plugin)" open_composer: label: "Open Composer" update_profile: label: "更新个人资料" setting: "Fields" key: "field" watch_categories: label: "关注类别" categories: "Categories" mute_remainder: "Mute Remainder" watch_tags: label: "Watch Tags" tags: "Tags" watch_x: notification_level: label: "Notification Level" regular: "Normal" watching: "Watching" tracking: "Tracking" watching_first_post: "Watching First Post" muted: "Muted" select_a_notification_level: "Select level" wizard_user: "Wizard User" usernames: "Users" post_builder: checkbox: "Post Builder" label: "Builder" user_properties: "User Properties" wizard_fields: "向导字段" wizard_actions: "向导动作" placeholder: "Insert wizard fields using the field_id in w{}. Insert user properties using property in u{}." add_to_group: label: "添加到群组" route_to: label: "Route To" url: "Url" code: "Code" send_to_api: label: "Send to API" api: "API" endpoint: "Endpoint" select_an_api: "Select an API" select_an_endpoint: "Select an endpoint" body: "Body" body_placeholder: "JSON" create_category: label: "创建类别" name: Name slug: 缩略名 color: Color text_color: Text color parent_category: 父类别 permissions: Permissions create_group: label: 创建群组 name: Name full_name: Full Name title: Title bio_raw: About owner_usernames: Owners usernames: Members grant_trust_level: Automatic Trust Level mentionable_level: Mentionable Level messageable_level: Messageable Level visibility_level: Visibility Level members_visibility_level: Members Visibility Level custom_field: nav_label: "自定义字段" add: "添加" external: label: "来自另一个插件" title: "This custom field has been added by another plugin. You can use it in your wizards but you can't edit the field here." name: label: "Name" select: "underscored_name" type: label: "Type" select: "选择一个类型" string: "字符串" integer: "整数" boolean: "布尔值" json: "JSON" klass: label: "Class" select: "Select a class" post: "Post" category: "Category" topic: "Topic" group: "Group" user: "User" serializers: label: "Serializers" select: "Select serializers" topic_view: "Topic View" topic_list_item: "Topic List Item" basic_category: "Category" basic_group: "Group" post: "Post" submissions: nav_label: "提交记录" title: "{{name}} Submissions" download: "下载" group_id: "Group ID" category_id: "Category ID" topic_id: "Topic ID" composer_preview: "Composer Preview" api: label: "API" nav_label: 'APIs' select: "选择 API" create: "创建 API" new: 'New API' name: "Name (can't be changed)" name_placeholder: 'Underscored' title: 'Title' title_placeholder: 'Display name' remove: '删除' save: "保存" auth: label: "Authorization" btn: 'Authorize' settings: "设置" status: "Status" redirect_uri: "Redirect url" type: 'Type' type_none: '选择一个类型' url: "Authorization url" token_url: "Token url" client_id: 'Client id' client_secret: 'Client secret' username: '用户名' password: '密码' params: label: 'Params' new: 'New param' status: label: "Status" authorized: 'Authorized' not_authorized: "Not authorized" code: "Code" access_token: "Access token" refresh_token: "Refresh token" expires_at: "Expires at" refresh_at: "Refresh at" endpoint: label: "Endpoints" add: "Add endpoint" name: "Endpoint name" method: "Select a method" url: "Enter a url" content_type: "Select a content type" success_codes: "Select success codes" log: label: "Logs" clear: clear log: nav_label: "日志" title: "{{name}} Logs" date: Date action: Action user: User message: Message manager: nav_label: 管理器 title: 管理向导 export: 导出 import: 导入 imported: 已导入 upload: Select wizards.json destroy: 销毁 destroyed: 已销毁的 subscription: title: Subscriber Features authorize: label: Connect title: Connect your subscription to this site deauthorize: label: Disconnect title: Disconnect your subscription from this site update: title: "Update subscription status" subscribed: label: Subscribed title: You're subscribed and can use these features selector: subscribed not_subscribed: label: Not Subscribed title: Subscribe to use these features selector: not subscribed type: none: label: Subscribe title: There is no Custom Wizard subscription active on this forum. business: label: Support title: There is a Custom Wizard Business subscription active on this forum. standard: label: Support title: There is a Custom Wizard Standard subscription active on this forum. community: label: Support title: There is a Custom Wizard Community subscription active on this forum. wizard_js: group: select: "Select a group" location: name: title: "Name (optional)" desc: "e.g. P. Sherman Dentist" street: title: "Number and Street" desc: "e.g. 42 Wallaby Way" postalcode: title: "邮政编码 (Zip)" desc: "e.g. 2090" neighbourhood: title: "Neighbourhood" desc: "e.g. Cremorne Point" city: title: "City, Town or Village" desc: "e.g. Sydney" coordinates: "坐标" lat: title: "纬度" desc: "例如:-31.9456702" lon: title: "经度" desc: "例如:-115.8626477" country_code: title: "国家/地区" placeholder: "选择国家/地区" query: title: "地址" desc: "e.g. 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney." geo: desc: "Locations provided by {{provider}}" btn: label: "Find Location" results: "Locations" no_results: "No results. Please double check the spelling." show_map: "Show Map" validation: neighbourhood: "Please enter a neighbourhood." city: "Please enter a city, town or village." street: "Please enter a Number and Street." postalcode: "请输入邮政编码 (Zip)。" countrycode: "请选择国家/地区。" coordinates: "请完整填写坐标。" geo_location: "Search and select a result."