import { default as computed } from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; import getUrl from "discourse-common/lib/get-url"; import Field from "./field"; import { ajax } from "discourse/lib/ajax"; import { popupAjaxError } from "discourse/lib/ajax-error"; import Step from "./step"; import EmberObject from "@ember/object"; import Site from "./site"; const CustomWizard = EmberObject.extend({ @computed("steps.length") totalSteps: (length) => length, skip() { if (this.required && !this.completed && this.permitted) { return; } CustomWizard.skip(; }, restart() { CustomWizard.restart(; }, }); CustomWizard.reopenClass({ skip(wizardId) { ajax({ url: `/w/${wizardId}/skip`, type: "PUT" }) .then((result) => { CustomWizard.finished(result); }) .catch(popupAjaxError); }, restart(wizardId) { ajax({ url: `/w/${wizardId}/skip`, type: "PUT" }) .then(() => { window.location.href = `/w/${wizardId}`; }) .catch(popupAjaxError); }, finished(result) { let url = "/"; if (result.redirect_on_complete) { url = result.redirect_on_complete; } window.location.href = getUrl(url); }, build(wizardJson) { if (!wizardJson) { return null; } if (!wizardJson.completed && wizardJson.steps) { wizardJson.steps = wizardJson.steps .map((step) => { const stepObj = Step.create(step); stepObj.wizardId =; stepObj.fields.sort((a, b) => { return parseFloat(a.number) - parseFloat(b.number); }); let tabindex = 1; stepObj.fields.forEach((f) => { f.tabindex = tabindex; if (["date_time"].includes(f.type)) { tabindex = tabindex + 2; } else { tabindex++; } }); stepObj.fields = => { f.wizardId =; f.stepId =; return Field.create(f); }); return stepObj; }) .sort((a, b) => { return parseFloat(a.index) - parseFloat(b.index); }); } if (wizardJson.categories) { let subcatMap = {}; let categoriesById = {}; let categories = => { if (c.parent_category_id) { subcatMap[c.parent_category_id] = subcatMap[c.parent_category_id] || []; subcatMap[c.parent_category_id].push(; } return (categoriesById[] = EmberObject.create(c)); }); // Associate the categories with their parents categories.forEach((c) => { let subcategoryIds = subcatMap[c.get("id")]; if (subcategoryIds) { c.set( "subcategories", => categoriesById[id]) ); } if (c.get("parent_category_id")) { c.set("parentCategory", categoriesById[c.get("parent_category_id")]); } }); Site.currentProp("categories", categories); Site.currentProp("listByActivity", categories); Site.currentProp("categoriesById", categoriesById); Site.currentProp( "uncategorized_category_id", wizardJson.uncategorized_category_id ); } return CustomWizard.create(wizardJson); }, }); export function findCustomWizard(wizardId, params = {}) { let url = `/w/${wizardId}`; let paramKeys = Object.keys(params).filter((k) => { if (k === "wizard_id") { return false; } return !!params[k]; }); if (paramKeys.length) { url += "?"; paramKeys.forEach((k, i) => { if (i > 0) { url += "&"; } url += `${k}=${params[k]}`; }); } return ajax({ url, cache: false, dataType: "json" }).then((result) => { return; }); } let _wizard_store; export function updateCachedWizard(wizard) { _wizard_store = wizard; } export function getCachedWizard() { return _wizard_store; } export default CustomWizard;