require_dependency 'wizard/step' require_dependency 'wizard/field' require_dependency 'wizard/step_updater' require_dependency 'wizard/builder' UserHistory.actions[:custom_wizard_step] = 1000 class CustomWizard::Wizard include ActiveModel::SerializerSupport attr_accessor :id, :name, :background, :theme_id, :save_submissions, :multiple_submissions, :after_time, :after_time_scheduled, :after_signup, :required, :prompt_completion, :restart_on_revisit, :permitted, :needs_categories, :needs_groups, :steps, :actions, :user def initialize(attrs = {}, user=nil) @user = user @id = attrs['id'] @name = attrs['name'] @background = attrs['background'] @save_submissions = attrs['save_submissions'] || false @multiple_submissions = attrs['multiple_submissions'] || false @prompt_completion = attrs['prompt_completion'] || false @restart_on_revisit = attrs['restart_on_revisit'] || false @after_signup = attrs['after_signup'] @after_time = attrs['after_time'] @after_time_scheduled = attrs['after_time_scheduled'] @required = attrs['required'] || false @permitted = attrs['permitted'] || nil @needs_categories = false @needs_groups = false @theme_id = attrs['theme_id'] if attrs['theme'].present? theme = ::Theme.find_by(name: attrs['theme']) @theme_id = if theme end @first_step = nil @steps = [] @actions = [] end def create_step(step_name) end def append_step(step) step = create_step(step) if step.is_a?(String) yield step if block_given? last_step = @steps.last @steps << step # If it's the first step if @steps.size == 1 @first_step = step step.index = 0 elsif last_step.present? = step step.previous = last_step step.index = last_step.index + 1 end end def start return nil if !@user if unfinished? && last_completed_step = ::UserHistory.where( acting_user_id:, action: ::UserHistory.actions[:custom_wizard_step], context: @id, subject: ).order("created_at").last step_id = last_completed_step.subject last_index = @steps.index { |s| == step_id } @steps[last_index + 1] else @first_step end end def create_updater(step_id, fields) step = @steps.find { |s| == step_id } wizard = self, wizard, step, fields) end def unfinished? return nil if !@user most_recent = ::UserHistory.where( acting_user_id:, action: ::UserHistory.actions[:custom_wizard_step], context: @id, ).distinct.order('updated_at DESC').first if most_recent && most_recent.subject == "reset" false elsif most_recent last_finished_step = most_recent.subject last_step = CustomWizard::Wizard.step_ids(@id).last last_finished_step != last_step else true end end def completed? return nil if !@user steps = CustomWizard::Wizard.step_ids(@id) history = ::UserHistory.where( acting_user_id:, action: ::UserHistory.actions[:custom_wizard_step], context: @id ) if @after_time history = history.where("updated_at > ?", @after_time_scheduled) end completed = history.distinct.order(:subject).pluck(:subject) (steps - completed).empty? end def permitted? return false unless user return true if user.admin? || permitted.blank? mapper = inputs: permitted, user: user, opts: { with_type: true, multiple: true } ).perform return true if mapper.blank? mapper.all? do |m| if m[:type] === 'assignment' GroupUser.exists?(group_id: m[:result], user_id: elsif m[:type] === 'validation' m[:result] else true end end end def can_access? return true if user.admin return permitted? && (multiple_submissions || !completed?) end def reset ::UserHistory.create( action: ::UserHistory.actions[:custom_wizard_step], acting_user_id:, context: @id, subject: "reset" ) end def categories @categories ||= end def groups @groups ||= end def submissions Array.wrap(PluginStore.get("#{id}_submissions", end def self.filter_records(filter) PluginStoreRow.where(" plugin_name = 'custom_wizard' AND (value::json ->> '#{filter}')::boolean IS TRUE ") end def self.after_signup(user) if (records = filter_records('after_signup')).any? result = false records .sort_by { |record| record.value['permitted'].present? ? 0 : 1 } .each do |record| wizard =, user) if wizard.permitted? result = wizard break end end result else false end end def self.prompt_completion(user) if (records = filter_records('prompt_completion')).any? records.reduce([]) do |result, record| wizard =, user) if wizard.permitted? && !wizard.completed? result.push(id:, name: end result end else false end end def self.restart_on_revisit if (records = filter_records('restart_on_revisit')).any? records.first.key else false end end def self.steps(wizard_id) wizard = PluginStore.get('custom_wizard', wizard_id) wizard ? wizard['steps'] : nil end def self.step_ids(wizard_id) steps = self.steps(wizard_id) return [] if !steps { |s| s['id'] }.flatten.uniq end def self.field_ids(wizard_id, step_id) steps = self.steps(wizard_id) return [] if !steps step = { |s| s['id'] === step_id }.first if step && fields = step['fields'] { |f| f['id'] } else [] end end def self.add_wizard(obj) wizard = obj.is_a?(String) ? ::JSON.parse(json) : obj PluginStore.set('custom_wizard', wizard["id"], wizard) end def self.find(wizard_id) PluginStore.get('custom_wizard', wizard_id) end def self.list(user=nil) PluginStoreRow.where(plugin_name: 'custom_wizard').order(:id) .reduce([]) do |result, record| attrs = JSON.parse(record.value) if attrs.present? && attrs.is_a?(Hash) && attrs['id'].present? && attrs['name'].present? result.push(, user)) end result end end def existing_wizard = self.create(wizard[:id]) wizard[:steps].each do |step| if step[:raw_description] step[:description] = PrettyText.cook(step[:raw_description]) end end wizard = wizard.slice!(:create) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do PluginStore.set('custom_wizard', wizard[:id], wizard) if wizard[:after_time] Jobs.cancel_scheduled_job(:set_after_time_wizard, wizard_id: wizard[:id]) enqueue_at = Time.parse(wizard[:after_time_scheduled]).utc Jobs.enqueue_at(enqueue_at, :set_after_time_wizard, wizard_id: wizard[:id]) end if existing_wizard && existing_wizard.after_time && !wizard[:after_time] Jobs.cancel_scheduled_job(:set_after_time_wizard, wizard_id: wizard[:id]) Jobs.enqueue(:clear_after_time_wizard, wizard_id: wizard[:id]) end end wizard[:id] end def self.remove(wizard_id) wizard = self.create(wizard_id) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do if wizard.after_time Jobs.cancel_scheduled_job(:set_after_time_wizard) Jobs.enqueue(:clear_after_time_wizard, wizard_id: end PluginStore.remove('custom_wizard', end end def self.exists?(wizard_id) PluginStoreRow.exists?(plugin_name: 'custom_wizard', key: wizard_id) end def self.create(wizard_id, user = nil) if wizard = self.find(wizard_id), user) else false end end def self.set_submission_redirect(user, wizard_id, url) PluginStore.set("#{wizard_id.underscore}_submissions",, [{ redirect_to: url }]) end def self.set_wizard_redirect(wizard_id, user) wizard = self.create(wizard_id, user) if wizard.permitted? user.custom_fields['redirect_to_wizard'] = wizard_id user.save_custom_fields(true) else false end end end